School lunch and Phantom's snack

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Silence took over the neighborhood. It was usually quiet during the dead of night, but now, there's something unnerving about it. Maybe it was how there were usually small sounds that accompanied the silence, cars driving, animals looking through the trash, or running down the street. Sometimes there would be a car blasting music that seemed too loud to be playing during this time, or the footsteps of family members sneaking around the house, trying not to wake the others living there. But right now under the blood-red sky, barely anything could be heard.

The distant sound of running and the crunching of plants could be heard amid silence. Seven kids ran through a patch of forest, weapons in hand along loud, and panic breathing, not too far away, something else was running after them but not a sound was heard except its steps.

And it was catching up quickly...

"Time?" Ashlyn yelled out, turning her head so her voice could be heard by the kids behind her.. "8 minutes!" Logan replied, looking down at his watch while trying to carry his gun in one hand. He, along with the others, didn't dare take a second break to talk. They were so close until they were fully safe, just a little longer. Stopping right now with the thing behind them was guaranteed to have your heart stop permanently.

"Personally, that is way too long!" I yelled out, trying to keep my breath even, but it was hard. My legs were aching and it was clear I was running out of stamina, but hearing the consent steps of the thing behind us was a great motivator to keep going.

The graveyard was in our sight, it was so close now, with the thought of safety my speed increased, putting what little energy I had left to push through. Ashlyn was able to get behind the wall first, getting ready to press the button to close the door. I felt the slight reflection as I stepped through the wall, my heart still pumping in my ear. "Close the gate, close the gate!" Tyler repeated in urgency as he was the last to cross the threshold. The monster behind was still moving, still chasing, and definitely wasn't going to stop until it had us in its grasp. Those of us who had weapons pointed them in the direction of the demon-like thing as it charged to the door.

We were able to see its humanoid body, pitch-black skin, and a big creepy smile that was unnaturally too big. Its tiny white dots for eyes were locked on us, even as the wall was almost fully closed it didn't stop it from still trying to reach us. A series of loud bangs followed, its determination to catch us was still unfazed as it tried to, unsuccessfully, open or bring down the wall.

I fell to my knees in relief, some dust being disturbed by my fall, covering my legs with gloved hands. All of us were panting, breathing heavenly now that we were safe and able to rest for a bit. "Alright, let's head to the bus." Ashlyn said, all of us were happy to comply, wanting to relax a bit, before the time ran out, especially somewhere that wasn't next to the wall where the sounds of the creature were the loudest.

Tyler slumps down onto the bus seat next to his twin, I lay down on the seat behind them, the top of my head pressing against the cold bumpy metal of the bus. My legs dangled at the end, wondering if it was worth the risk to put my legs up into Logan's seat that was next to mine. When the thought of accidentally touching him came to me, I decided against it. Bringing up my arms to lay on my chest, the feeling of the itchiness that appeared during the run was more notable now that we were not in immediate danger. "That sucked." Tyler's complaining was the only other noise besides our breathing and the distant banging. None of us wanted to speak at the moment. Just waiting until we can finally wake up in the real world.

"Ah. the banging has stopped" Ashlyn pointed out, I opened my eyes as the now notable silence fell. It was peaceful now without the banging, you could almost forget the danger that awaited outside. "It probably gave up or- someth..." Tyler's voice faded towards the end of his sentence, as if something had cut him off but no other sound could suggest that. I sat up so I could ask what was wrong when my eyes settled on the figure that was peeking out from the open school bus door. If it was possible, that creepy smile would have only gotten bigger.

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