Living Nightmare

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(Episode 10-13)

The thing was no more than her height but could have been taller since it was slouching to be at her level. Its blank white eyes seem to be staring at all of us with its unnerving smile, full of long crooked teeth. The thing didn't look human at all despite its humanoid appearance, with some body parts too long and skin an unnatural shade to be an actual person of any kind.

Ashlyn quickly turned around to face the thing behind her, she turned so fast that she fell on the floor. In the brief second that she was falling the words seemed to shift from how it normally looks to dark then back to how it is. It was so quick that if you blinked you'll miss it, almost like your eyes weren't seeing things correctly at first. Just as suddenly as the words shifted the thing behind Ashlyn was gone just as fast. No trace of the thing. "Where did it go"

"I-I don't see it anywhere"

"What was it?"

"One of the ghosts maybe?"

The others were freaking out rightfully so. All of them acted frantic in their own way. Taylor looked around, Logan was crying, Ben was drawing or writing something in his notebook, and Aiden was looking around as well but he didn't look as scared..?

"Are you guys dumb? Ghosts aren't real. This is just some stupid prank." Tyler didn't seem as scared as he was. Was he trying to look brave? He looked annoyed. "Obviously. A group conveniently cancels a reservation, and our guide just happens to have an excuse to leave? Then when we're all alone in a 'haunted' house we have a scary encounter. Immediately after saying "scary encounter" the thing just disappears before we can confirm or touch it?"

Although everyone was shaken up it was clear that they found the scene quite awkward as Tyler kept talking. To the point that Logan and Ben tried to keep themselves busy as he kept talking, Ben focusing on his journal while Logan looked around with his camera to his face as if taking photos or pretending to do so.

"Yeah right. This is definitely a setup for some reaction videos to make money. They probably have cameras and a projector hidden somewhere." It seemed like he was getting angrier and angrier as he spoke, it makes sense why the others didn't want to interject in some way. I didn't want to stay until the end of his rant though. I wasn't able to breathe right, I turned around and rushed towards the exit when Tyler started to yell. I didn't know what he was saying or why he was screaming, I couldn't hear over the pounding of my heart.

Things didn't look right, I didn't know if I was going into a state of panic, or if it was the house or a prank Tyler mentioned. Why did the world turn dark for a second? Was it just me? Was it the lights in the house? Everything didn't look right. I have to get out of this house. My hand touched the door of the exit, I was holding onto it as I was on the verge of collapsing.

I felt someone's hand on my shoulder, which immediately had me flinching away, turning around with my back pressed against the door. Once I turned around I saw Taylor's concerned face with her hand out, it seemed like she was the one to touch me. Tyler and Logan were behind her, looking confused as well. "Are you ok?" I heard her say in a troubled tone, despite trying to keep her voice calm. She dug in her pocket and pulled out a handkerchief, holding it to my face, still trying to move away, at that moment I was aware of the tears flowing down my face. When did I start crying? I rubbed my eyes, "I'm ok...I'm.." Turning back around to hide my face and try to get away. It took an embarrassing time to open the door, and as I did so I could hear them trying to call me to find out what was wrong.

Once I did manage to open it and quickly rushed out, I started taking big breaths. The fresh air felt so good in my lungs. The air was slightly warm but it still felt cold and fresh against my slightly wet face. I took a gulp, I didn't know why it just felt good, my mouth was dry so I didn't need to, but it helped me steady myself. I looked around the street. There was nothing. Everything looked normal.

Haphephobia (School Bus Graveyard X Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ