Chapter 1

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As I open the front door the fresh air and the smell of the roses hits my nose, I take a second to look at my surroundings. ''Cassie" shit i must have zoned out i quickly hurry over and step into the car. The car starts to move. "I'm so sorry Harry I must have zoned out, I was just thinking to myself about today." "No worries dear i can't even imagine how you're feeling right now today is the biggest day of your life." "mhm"


We've been driving for a while already and I didn't know how long the church was away from the house. Thinking back to what harry said 20 minutes ago i can't stop thinking about how he said this was going to be the biggest day of my life, but my mind wouldn't stop wondering what if i didn't agree to this arrangement and wasn't about to marry Linkin and if i was marrying a different guy maybe someone i could've chose myself maybe even the guy i fell head over heels for 5 years ago. What if me and dad never moved to Charlotte? What if we had just stayed in Cray would me and him figured it out would he even maybe be the person i was marrying today? Would I be happier than I am today, or if we stayed would I be sad not taking the opportunity we had and not moving to the big city?

" Were here Ms.Clemont.... Wow i just realized that's the last time i will call you that next till i see yea i'll be calling you Mrs.McCoy" "yea i guess never really thought about it or you could just call me Cassie like i've insisted for the past 26 years" " ohhh dear i'm sorry but you know i will never call you or your dad by your first name" "i know i know anyway bye Harry thanks for the ride." "No problem, it's my pleasure."

As i step out of the car everything hits me the realization that i'm actually about to get married to my arranged fiance that i'm secretly sorta in love with god i never would of thought this would be happening to me but with everything else i have gone through throughout my life i wouldn't even be the littlest surprised.

I take my time going up the steps, as i reach the top steps dad is there to greet me " you ready darling" " as ready as i'll ever be i guess" "i'm sorry for doing this to you darling but we made a deal by the time you were 26 and if you werent dating or seeing anyone you would agree to marry the guy of my choice, and i'm truly sorry that i have to do this because i think everyone deserves a chance to fall in love with someone and spend their lives with like i got to do with your mother and for that i'm so grateful because i ended up with you. I'm sorry that you never got the chance" " it's alright dad honestly Linkin is a great man and i think we have a great future ahead of us and going back to your love statement i already got to love somebody almost as much as you loved mom but it just wasn't in the cards for us" now after saying that my heart aches just a little bit. " oh honey i'm so sorry for bringing up Ryan after how much you both went through." I give him a little nod " alright so let's get to it.

I went over the arrangement this morning and everything looks great so today should all go by smooth sailings. Anyways the pastor and Linkin are just this way follow me."

We walk down a little hallway and then turn right as soon as we turn old artworks hang against the old wood walls. We walk a little more down the hallway and then we come up to these two huge beautiful handmade columns. They had to be one of the prettiest things I've ever seen. I stop and take a better look at them.

"Hey dad, how did you even find this place?" " Actually your mother found it 33 years ago. This is actually where me and your mom got married. I thought that she would have loved for you to get married here." my heart starts to melt a bit " awhh thanks dad it's good knowing that mom wouldve been happy about today." "oh sweety you may have not have known your mother as good or long as i had but she would have loved and adored the young woman you have become today." i give dad a big hug "come on kiddo it's just a little further."

We walk for about 30 more seconds till I see the opening into the main part of the church where the pastor and Linkin stand. Me and Linkin make eye contact and he gives me the smallest smirk, I smile back. Dad loops his arm around mine and with that we start to make our way down the aisle. It's not the place or the man I thought I'd be marrying and I would have definitely had more people than 2 guest those two being the pastor and dad here but it is what it is like my mom used to tell me "everything happens for a reason."


Well how was it? I know the chapter wasn't very long but i promise you they will get longer as i go. How are you liking Cassie so far? I'm not sure if theres going to be any s*x scence yet but if you dont want to read them i'll put ***** 5 of those at the start and finish of those scence if you just want to skip over. Make sure to comment anything you think or want to happen later in the story. Hope your liking the book so far i love ya'll!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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