The End

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Howdy, this is it, the final chapter. I do apologize for how long it took I decided that I wanted my viewers to have a good idea on what I wanted so I may have gone beyond what I'd originally planned. As such this is the result, a full synopsis on what could've been in the form of quick drafts that I spoke into existence. As the 'Introduction' will tell you I used text to speech to try and speed up the process but I really overestimated myself in how quick I'd get this out so I apologize to those who though this would be out a month after the last. Anyway I hope you all enjoy what could have been.



Welcome to the last chapter for my Izuku Midoriya: Ghost Rider story. As I promised I will be going over what would have happened in the chapters and just generally how the story would have gone. Now, so I could get this to you sooner I am using speech to text so this is everything I'm saying I'm not writing this completely just going back through it to make sure it's grammarly correct or the wording is correct or the whatever the f*** is correct and this thing censors you so there is that. Also I may miss some things in my grammar checks so sorry in advance.

Well you're not here to hear me ramble on so I thank you for coming into the chapter and for reading my story so without further ado let's get into it.


Chapter Seven: Hosu

Now the chapter Hosu itself was not in the original story, the one on Wattpad, it was added in as I realized I didn't do anything with the hero killer and completely forgot about him so I changed that. The chapter would have begun with Izuku back in the apartment. He would have been on the couch thinking about that voice he heard in the previous chapter and wondering what it was, who it was and why he heard it. Before he can make any headway on it or drive himself crazy Inko would have come into the room a little panicked. Basically she says Izuki had left her suitcase filled with clothes and she needed Izuku to take the clothes to her.

Izuku agrees because you know, good brother and stuff and he would have to go to Hosu because as Izuku was in the original, Izuki has One for All so she's training with Gran Torino and I'm aware that Gran Torino doesn't actually live in Hosu but I had changed it because otherwise it wouldn't have made sense that Izuku was there because from what I can tell by the time the news would have gotten to Izuku it would have been basically over anyway so it wouldn't have mattered so I had to change that.

Izuku would have driven to the place wnd be greeted by Gran Torino izaku would explain his presence and Gran Torino would have grumpily mentioned how Izuki seems to be an airhead and forgetful, basic Gran Torino grumpiness.

Izuku would ask about her progress and just what they've been doing and Gran Torino would be a little bit cagey saying that her quirk's being trained so she could lift more. Izuku understands that and then Izuki would have come into the picture. Izuki would be surprised that Izaku was there. Izuku would remind about her missing luggage and she's basically just being embarrassed about it.

A little while later Izuku would leave but not before deciding to go around the city as he hasn't been to hosu and as I've written he's a bit more of a wanderer now which makes more sense considering you know, Ghost Rider stuff.

Afterward I'd have had the POV switch to Izuki later in the night fighting the Hero Killer she is simply trying to buy time for backup but even using her quirk to push the hero killer back and using one for all to try to evade the hero killer she's having a lot of difficulty as he keeps trying to blitz her which is slowly starting to wear her down.

Izuku Midoriya: The Ghost Rider (Version 2)Where stories live. Discover now