The First Sight

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My mom had said something a few months ago about seeing people in the woods. She said that they had been coming up to the house, and taking things. Said that they had been in the basement, but that she was going to lock the basement once she found the key. She never found the key, but that didn't matter because the basement door couldn't lock from the rust over time in the lock mechanism. But anyway, I should probably introduce myself if I'm going to tell you my story, my name is Celia. This is my story of the people in the woods, and yes. This is real in case you were wondering.

It all started a month or so ago, when I had started staying with my mom and sister. Me, and my guy friend had been hearing these people out here, but we never saw anyone. Until one night, we took my dog Millie out. I was just looking around to check my surroundings so I'd know what was around me. I've been in this house since I was a baby, so I know what's normal, and what's not. I turned to the left, and all I see is someone at the lake with a flashlight. It's nearly 2:00AM, and I freeze. I mumbled under my breath "What the fuck??" no one really heard me unless they were right next to me. I didn't say anything else, and all I did was stand there staring at them. There were at least two people out there total, I had thought I'd have seen them prior to this. And to this day, I still think I'm right. They were hiding in the woods, and I shined a bright light on them, and they hid rather quickly. We'd been hearing them for a while, but then they stopped making noise for a few nights. Now all of a sudden I see this person out here at 2:00 in the morning with a flashlight, they were walking around like they were trying to find something. I turned around with my hand over my mouth, looking at My guy friend, and he walks over to see what I was looking at to make me act like that. Then he tells me "Get Millie, and go the fuck in the house." Apparently he said that one other time, but I was too busy in shock at what I saw, and didn't hear him. But I grabbed my dog, and went inside. I ran upstairs without even taking her leash off her, kicked a plastic bag. Which was very loud, and went to get my dad. In the process of waking up my dad, I scared him and he told me not to do that again. I explained to him what I had seen, and he told us to just stay inside. We did that, those people stayed out there all night. But we never let Millie back out that night again.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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