Just A Spat

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*I was inspired to write this by a post made by merryfinches on tumblr . I also want to thank Curupia also from tumblr for the idea on what their argument should be. Hope you enjoy ^w^*

Content warning: NSFW near the end

Today was not a good day for Stede and he couldn't help but feel a little cross with Ed, at the moment because of it.

Stede and Ed were slowly but surely building their Inn from the ground up, building off the abandoned foundation and making it anew. And up until that point they were doing a pretty good job. They divided the work evenly amongst each other. Stede takes care of the cleaning, the decor, the gardening, and cooking while Ed does most of the crafting, fixing, and building. But sometimes, if Ed needed help with anything, like lifting wood or carrying something heavy that was a two-person job, Stede would be more than happy to help his boyfriend. If Stede needed help, whether it needed help with the cooking or choosing what color blanket and throw pillows would complement their furniture the best, Ed would happily oblige. Yes, things at their Inn were slowly coming together. Only there was one problem. Ed was having trouble finishing one task at a time.

Stede knew that Ed had excellent carpentry skills. He needed that sort of thing if he wanted to be useful on a ship in his first few years of piracy, even keeping up the habit of fixing the ship while he became captain. So his skills were rather useful when rebuilding the Inn. Stede didn't know squat on how to rebuild an abandoned home so he was grateful to have Ed to help him or sometimes show him the ropes if Ed needed his help. But Ed had a habit of starting a project, and then starting a new one, leaving the other unfinished. If it was a small fix, like a broken latch or a creaky wood floor, Ed could finish that within minutes. But if it's a task that could take hours, he'll get sidetracked and move on to another thing, which leaves Stede rather frustrated and it would kind of drive him crazy.  

For example, a few weeks ago Ed had started painting the outside of the house only left one side of the house painted, and went on to do another project that Stede was unaware of and it drove him kind of insane. Stede liked it when things looked neat and had a finished look. So when Ed left half the house painted it drove him up the wall until he grabbed a paintbrush and finished it himself, ruining one of his favorite shirts with paint when he forgot to take it off.

Another example is when a few days ago, Ed said he was going to replace all of the dead wood floor planks with new sturdier ones so neither of them would step on them on accident and breakthrough. Ed was halfway through that when he got distracted by a critter tearing up their yard, causing him to spend all day trying to set up traps for it. While he was doing that, Stede was trying to decorate the living quarters, holding an antique glass statue when he stepped right on a piece of dead wood, causing him to crash through the floor, spraining his foot and breaking the statue in the process when he accidentally let go and dropped it which he let out a sigh to, trying to pry his foot out so he could go get the broom to clean up his mess.

Then yesterday, Ed said that he was going to put up fencing around their growing garden and patch up the chimney in the kitchen so that they could finally cook indoors, only for Ed to get through halfway patching up the chimney when he got distracted by the sound of the hinges on the doors giving off a loud squeaking noise that was driving him insane making it his mission to get them to stop squeaking. Ed knew that Olive oil was a good source of lubricant for squeaky hinges only they ran out the uh... night before... so he decided to drop everything and head for the market to get some which, unfortunately, left one task unfinished and one not even started. Stede didn't know how to patch up a chimney and wanted the fencing done by that day since they had crops beginning to grow and wanted the area inclosed so Stede had to start the fencing without him which left him with aching limbs and splinters in his hands from carrying the wood by himself. Even though he managed to finish most of it, a few pieces weren't as sturdy and were a little loose, causing some of the wood to fall over much to his frustration.

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