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Delilah hansley had just moved back too castle rock. For a few month, maybe four too five she had been in a Psychiatric hospital. She had too leave everyone behind since she had overdosed on her mothers pills and rushed too hospital.

Her parents found it was the right thing too do even though she cried and sobbed for them not too, even though she was slowly losing herself too depression.

She found it hard too live in a low life place like mount ford clinic.

They all said it was a nice place too stay but she could barley get any sleep most nights and all the workers where just there too get payed and didn't care for any of the kids well-being's there.

She made this friend called Barnaby, he suffered from schizophrenia. His parents couldn't deal with it much longer and put him in there.

She found it hard leaving him all on his own again but she was just happy too get out of that hell hole.

Her parents thought it was smart too give her a few days too settle in again before sending her off too school again. It was a Thursday and she was out on the porch swing.

Watching whatever was happening outside,not a lot.
It was maybe quarter too three so mostly everyone were going home again after school.

It was nuts too think she'd be almost in junior high, it was quiet a scary thought too somber. She was at the ripe age of thirteen.

Sadly she had her birthday in mount ford clinic so she had no one too celebrate it with.

Her stomach did flips every time she thought about Chris, what if she told him where she went and he'd call her a freak?

What if he's dating another girl?

What if
What if
What if?

Lots was racing her mind all at once, would there be rumours about a  her? Would people bully her when she goes back? Who knew.

Chris was mostly her main thought at the moment though,it scared her really.

"Delilah! Tea time!" Her father would shout out from the front door she would just turn her head before getting up.

She swore she saw teddy since he lived near her, maybe a few blocks down and she was pretty sure he saw her.

But she shrugged it off,not worrying about it too much, she walked into her house. her finger tips tracing the walls as she walked too the dining room.

Mother still wasn't very lively even before and after she was away. Her father tried his best too make Delilah feel happy and more comfortable but she just didn't.

Her father had said too everyone that she had gone away on this really cool camping trip in France. That apparently she camped all over France.

What a lame excuse really, no one's gonna believe that.


After tea she was sent too her room before she heard her mother and father fighting, my mother wasn't taking her medication after what had happend and she was getting worse.

I'm not sure what was wrong with her but father used too say she was very ill too the point she had too stay in bed all day.

So there Delilah was, laying on her bed looking up at her ceiling thinking and worrying about everything. Tomorrow was Friday.

Maybe she could try and see if Chris will find out she home or come over after school. She wished atleast.

AHH I actually love stand by me and I also love making my ocs have trauma <3

Anyways hope you liked it,I'll update it pretty soon.

-nici xoxo

Young and dumb.- Chris chambers,Where stories live. Discover now