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It was yours and Crawford's 3 years of dating anniversary and he took you out to your favorite restraunt. As you and Crawford walked into Red Lobster some teenage girls were asking to take pictures with him. You went and got you guys a seat while he took pictures. About 20 minutes later Crawford came into the restraunt and sat down. "Sorry about that babe, I couldn't blow them off." he apologizes. "Its okay no matter what happens as long as I'm with you it'll always be perfect." you say while you blush. You and Crawford have been dating for 3 years and you were hoping to have a baby soon but you and Crawford agreed to only have a baby when you were married. After ordering your food Crawford went to the bathroom and when he came back the food was here.

-Skip eating-

Crawford orders us desert and a huge cake comes and it's covered by something so I can't see what it says. Crawford then gets down on one knee, brings a black velvet square case out of his pocket while a waiter lifts the cover off the cake...the cake says will you marry me? "(Y/N), will you give me the honor of being the happiest man to ever live by becoming my beautiful wife?" Crawford asks you. "Yes, yes yes yes yes yes. 1 million times yes babe" you tell him. He stands up and lifts you out of your chair into the longest hug. Crawford gives you the biggest kiss ever and he starts to cry. "Why are you crying Crawf?" you ask him gently while rubbing his cheek. "I just can't wait to have a family with you babe. I love you." He says between breaths trying to calm down. "I love you too" you whisper in his ear as you embrace again.


I'm still taking requests just tell me who you want and what the plot to be and your name!❤

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2015 ⏰

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