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He woke up the next morning feeling disoriented. He wasn't feeling functional enough. You can be lazy some other time, he thought to himself. Rolling his eyes he went to shower to wash away the lethargy.

The warm water cascaded down his body. Washing away the sweat and dirt. His muscles relaxed under the warm water. The air fogged around him.

He wrapped a towel around himself once he was down. His hair was still wet, droplets of water trailed down in narrow streams. He trimmed his beard and examined his look in the mirror, exiting once it was deemed presentable.

He dressed up and prepared espresso for himself, while drying his hair with a towel. Taking occasional sips he looked through the business newspaper. It was his morning routine that he followed without a fail. Nobody was up at this time in the mansion. He was an early bird. He loved the tranquility of the morning, the sunrise, the chirping of the birds, and the cool breeze in the balcony.

He enjoyed the serenity.

He wished that he had someone to share these peaceful mornings with. Anyone. He had tried once with Tia, but she got mad at him saying that she needed her sleep or else she will fall sick. He felt bad waking her up for something so trivial.

Shivaay walked downstairs the next morning, he was surprised to see Rudra sitting at the breakfast table. Usually he ate alone or left without having any. But seeing Rudra there rose some hope in him.

"Morning, Rudra." Shivaay greeted with a smile. Rudra looked up briefly with a small smile. "Morning bhaiya." He said before going back to his phone. He was typing something, probably texting someone Shivaay thought.

The servants placed the breakfast on the table. Hardly anyone was up. It was only him and Rudra.

Shivaay watched as servants served them the food. He was looking forward to talking to his brother, it had been days since they have talked. He was looking forward to talking to him.

He wanted to ask him how his studies have been going. Who was his girlfriend? How was the college life treating him? If he needed his help somewhere? There was so much to talk.

He waited for Rudra to put his phone down, taking a few bites off his plate while he occasionally glanced at him. Rudra seemed oblivious to all. After half an hour Shivaay got fed up, he was done with his breakfast.

"Rudra, put your phone down and eat properly-"

"-sorry bhaiya have to go." Rudra got up and left the dining room. Shivaay frowned and called out behind him.

"Finish your food Rudy."

"Some other time bhaiya!" He called without even looking back. Shivaay sighed. Must have been busy with his college friends. He thought fondly.

His smile then dimmed when he got up to leave. Nobody was there to wish him off. He didn't expect it, but man it would feel so nice if he had somebody who would send him off with a smile and warm wish.

His day was spent like every other day. Countless meetings, mails, conferences, interviews and what not. It never failed in leaving him exhausted. He face fixated with the same polite smile he used for the meetings and interviews.

At the end of the day he sat in his car looking through a report submitted to him. Once done, he looked at his messages. Apart from the business ones there wasn't a single message from his family. Not even one from Tia as well. His last message from him was left on seen, by her.

He briefly wondered if this was how Mallika felt when he left her messages on read. Her messages brought a small smile on his lips. But he hated how he never appreciated her enough. Even if he had. He knew they wouldn't have ended up together. There was something lacking. They shared good memories but never enough that would leave them craving for the other when they are not around.

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