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In the morning, or at least Yeseul thought it was morning, she woke up just as Jinwoo entered her little room with two bowls in his hands.

»Good morning, Miss Yeseul«, he greeted her. Good, it was indeed morning. »I have a cabbage soup for you, Head Physician No Myeongman and my older sister finished cooking it just now, so it's still very hot.« He sat down.

Still sleepy Yeseul sat and received one of the bowls.

»Good morning. Do you physicians always eat with your patients?«, she asked curious and a little amused. Just yesterday Jinyoon had eaten with her.

»When we have time, yes. And since we don't have many patients at the moment it's nice to keep them company«, he answered.

»That's really nice.«

Yeseul and Jinwoo continued talking as they ate only interrupted by Yeseul's coughing from time to time. Similar to his sister the day prior the young physician in training talked about his passion to help people. She found out he was only 18 years old and that the siblings came from a well-known family from the next bigger city. She thought that this probably was the reason they got to train in the Palace.

Yeseul felt a little less tired than yesterday, but still fell asleep after the Head Physician had examined her health to compare it to the yesterday. And he was right her nose started running shortly after he had examined her. It hindered her from falling asleep for a while but soon her fatigue took over. It was just another dreamless sleep, but it seemed longer than the other days. She woke up by the sound of the door being opened and closed again. Slowly Yeseul turned around to greet whoever had gotten into her little room.

»Did I wake you up? I'm sorry«, she heard a very familiar voice say and then her eyes had adjusted to the bright daylight. It was Yeowool!

»Yeowool! You are here. Why? How?«, she bombarded him with questions with a sleepy but still happy voice. He put something down.

»I brought you something to eat. Sit up then we can eat together«, the Hwarang suggested and tried helping her sit up, »I heard you were ill and got worried.«

»I'm so happy you are here«, she confessed and smiled at him. Yeowool filled two bowls with the soup he brought and gave her one.

»I heard soup is good when you're ill, so brought pheasant soup«, he explained.

»Thank you, a lot.« Yeseul's heart melted at how caring he was.

»I cooked it myself, well I asked my mum's cook for help, but we cooked it together«, he explained, »And early in the morning I went out and shot a pheasant myself. I exchanged it for pheasant meat, just like you told me your family always does.«

Yeseul go teary eyes. It reminded her of the day they had first met in the snow when she had shot a pheasant. She had told Yeowool, she didn't even know his name back then, that her mother wanted to cook a soup for her ill brother. And now he had made one for her. She was overwhelmed by this emotion. A tear rolled down her cheek.

»Why are you crying?«, Yeowool asked surprised and wiped away the tear on her cheek softly.

»I love you so much«, she said.

»I love you very much too«, he countered and wanted to kiss her but instead opted to kiss his fingers instead before "putting" the kiss on her cheek.

»Now let's eat, before it gets cold«, the handsome Hwarang suggested and they began eating, »Is it good?«

»It's really good. Very delicious«, Yeseul praised, »Thank you for the food. Any news from the Hwarang House?«

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