The One That Got Away

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[Y/N and Peter stand before a rooftop. They then call Yuri]

Spider-Man: Yuri, tell me you've got a lead on Martian Li's location.

Yuri Watanabe: We have footage from a guy at a coffee shop, looks like he hopped into a black sedan after the crash.

Scarlet Spider: Black sedan. Great. Anything else?

Yuri Watanabe: Yes, we have a partial plate, and one of my patrol guys just found a matching plate, black sedan, in a parking lot near Canal and Hudson.

Scarlet Spider: Thanks, Captain. We're m on our way.

[They take off to swing but get a call from Dr. Michaels]

Morgan Michaels: Spider-Man, Scarlet Spider, hello? Is this working?

Spider-Man: Dr. Michaels? How are you calling?

Dr. Michaels: "Borrowed" one of Sable's radios. Listen: transit hubs are the most likely release points for Devil's Breath. Airports, bus terminals, train stations.

Scarlet Spider: Wait, did you say train stations?

Dr. Michaels: Yes, It'll spread like wildfire if released there.

Scarlet Spider: What about Grand Central? How bad would that be?

Dr. Michaels: Very, very bad.

Spider-Man: Why the hell is Oscorp developing a bioweapon in the city? Shouldn't this be in an arctic bunker?

Dr. Michaels: Devil's Breath is personal for Norman - It's been his obsession for decades. The project breaks every state and federal regulation on the books, but he doesn't care.

Scarlet Spider: Because if the city found out, he can kiss re-election goodbye. And maybe even his entire company.

Dr. Michaels: Nevermind re-election - he'd be tried in the Hague for war crimes.

Scarlet Spider: Okay, but why are you telling us this? Aren't you just as guilty for this as Norman?

Dr. Michaels: Yes. Completely. But Li's actions have been a wake-up call. We've ignored the project's risk for too long. I trust both of you. You're the only ones trying to do the right thing. Please: protect the city from our mistakes.

[Michaels hangs up. As they get a voice-mail from Otto]

Otto: Parker, L/N, I wanted to thank both of you-your work on the neural interface has been invaluable. I wish you could see what that means right now. But it's beginning to dawn on me just how powerful and insidious the forces arrayed against true visionaries are. I promise you, though-it won't be long. Succes will come, whatever it takes.

Scarlet Spider: "Powerful and insidious forces?"

Spider-Man: I don't like the sound of that, Y/N. We need to check on Doc when this is over.

[They take off to go find the black sedan. Once arriving they look and see nothing in the sedan]

Spider-Man: Damn. Devil's Breath is gone.

Scarlet Spider: Fuck, okay I think I have a lead.

Spider-Man: Which is?

Scarlet Spider: MJ said something about Grand Central. I'll give her a call.

[Y/N tries to call MJ, but it goes straight to voice-mail]

"This is Mary Jane Watson. Please leave a detailed message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

[Y/N hangs up]

Scarlet Spider: Dammit, MJ. Not now...

Spider-Man: What are you up to now, MJ?
[It fades to MJ being at Grand Central Station as she starts to walk down the stairs she says]

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