I've been tagged :D

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I got tagged for this by Cjh137 so here are my answers to the questions!

What's the weirdest dream you've ever had?

I have a lot of weird dreams but there was that one dream where a furby was sitting on my shelf telling me how to make popcorn because a bunch of parrots were coming to my house and they would start an apocalypse of mountain goats in UFOs if I didn't give them popcorn.

How much do you cost?

I will love you if you say one nice thing about my writing or art that's literally how much my love costs.

Can you draw?

I hope so since drawing is one of my main passions and I hope to open art commissions someday.

Have you ever kissed anyone?

My beautiful girlfriend and boyfriend <3 The three of us are polyamourous so we all know about each other so please don't put poly relationships and cheating in the same category.

What's the worst thing that's happened to you?

I have endured a lot of trauma but you guys shouldn't have to hear about that so worst injury I've ever had instead. This was a quite few summers ago and me and a close friend were in the alleyway behind his house. He was skateboarding and I had my roller skates. Anyway, we started talking about a game we both love (Hollow Knight) and got distracted. Since there was a lot of gravel and I wasn't paying nearly enough attention I ended up going out of control as we went down a small slope and falling. I hit my head and nearly blacked out. My friend actually thought I was dead. He ran inside and got a first aid kit and bandaged me up but I could hardly walk all summer and it got infected pretty bad because of all the gravel. Years later, one of my knees is still a bit messed up from that.

Current favourite YouTuber?

Skurry, Grian, CrystalCalico.

What are your favourite ships?

Artificer x Hunter from Rain World. They are my comfort ship <3 I'll put some art I did of them at the top of the chapter.

Favourite OC?

My OC Marzipan, who is my fursona. Maybe I'll post a picture of her sometime.

Best story you've written?

My Artificer x Hunter fic. The second one is coming along well, too!


Oh heck who do I tag...? I'm just gonna just gonna go onto my followers list and choose three random people.




No pressure to any of you to fill this out if you don't want to!

Thanks again to Cjh137!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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