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Ervin stood in front of the man he had tied to a chair with chains. He was barley responsive suffering in agony. His knees were shattered. His eye bloody and swollen shut. He was a lieutenant of the jade rabbit caught slacking. Ervin knuckles were covered in blood from beating him before chaining him down in the chair. eaven grinned behind his brother. The jade rabbit had stolen some of the harbinger drug shipment in their last attack in their territory. "Go to hell you Russian bitches..." he spite blood onto ervin shirt. Ervin grinned sadistically at him, gripping the bat with both hands slamming it into his shoulder, the bone creaking sound echoing in the small warehouse. The chair tip over as the man screamed in agony, shaking violently from the pain. Ervin used his left hand to stick black strides of black hair that come loose. He grinned at his brother "I think we got all the information we need here". Eaven glanced at the other 3, the two had tortured for information who dead from their injuries looking back to his brother as he step on the jade's lieutenant throat as he gasp for air. A maliciously grin across ervin lips before pressing down with his weight *crack*. Eaven kick over a few gas cans and followed his brother out of the building. Ervin grab a box of matches from his pocket, striking one and tossed it behind them. The old wooden warehouse went up in minutes.

Eaven opened the trunk of his car grabbing a new shirt for brother as ervin removed his old one wiping the blood from his knuckles with it and tossed it into the fire. "Ol mat gonna be mad about this" eaven grins. Ervin pulled down the new shirt "he can just add it the serial arson case" he grinned back him as both got into the car. Mathew was their cousin, he was also the mayor of the city and help covered up stuff for the family. "Drinks?" Ervin asked. "No. I have to get back home to kerra". "She got you on a tight leash I see" he cock an eyebrow amused. "She 37weeks pregnant... I really don't even wanna leave her with how the jade rabbits are acting in our territory..." he glared at him. "Relax you act like I'm mad you found someone who makes you happy". "Wanna go annoy remy" he grinned catching his brother attention. "I might just kid nap her at this point" he half grinned buckling up. "Uncle would have something to say about that you aren't married" he starts the car "yet". Ervin chuckled at the last part.


Remy was setting backwards in a chair as kerra stitch up her shoulder "god Damnit this is why, I told you stop wondering off". Remy rested her head against the chair. "I've had worse". "Like what, what's worse then being stab?!" Kerra was clearly mad but also heavily concerned. "Dyson once shot me point blank in the face with a paper spray paint ball gun" she grinned gritting her teeth as Kerra tightened the stitch and sighs, she knew rem only wanted to adventure around the city but wish she'd atlest take one of the guards with her or hell ervin... "that can't... we'll actually it can kill you.. but still I doubt that was his goal...". "They had crown rifles tattoos and I only asked them a question.. I didn't expect them to jump me in the street where people could see". 'Crown tattoos?, shit she fought members of the black crown and only suffered a stab wound... what the hell did those boys teach you in the last 5 years' kerra thinks to herself as she tied off the last stitch in her back. "All done but don't sleep or lean on anything on this side".

Eaven walked through the front door followed by ervin, they walked toward the living quarters as remy herd their foot steps, she quickly grab her hoodie covering her chest as the twin brothers stop looking at them. Remy turned red seeing ervin who raised an eyebrow with a cold stern look, he noticed the bloody cotton balls and the blood on kerra's hand. "What... happened" he asked coldly. "I fuck around and found out" she joked nervously. Ervin approached her grabbing her arm to look at her shoulder. His eyes darkened "who did this to you..". "Well I was walking down main-". He cut her off "you were alone!?!". "Don't yell at me... and yes I don't need a babysitter..". Eaven walked up beside him "that stab wound says other wise...". "I mean I'm pretty sure I broke one's wrist". "One?" Eaven asked. "There was two of them". Eaven look at his brother, the anger was clear in eyes. 'Hu... he's really protective of her..' he mentally chuckled to himself. Kerra was wondering why she didn't mention the tattoo that alone would give it away to them.

Ervin walked into the next room with his brother. "I'm taking her home with me..." he glared at him. Eaven raised an eyebrow with a stern "uncle won't-". "I don't care..." he cut him off harshly. "She'll be safer with me... and my men can handle her attitude". Eaven nodded his head "kerra might fight you on that, it's her baby cousin". "What she gonna do waddle after me" he smirk. Eaven glared at him coldly as his brother grinned walking off.

Remy had a tube top on as Ervin renter the room and stop staring at her seeing that her freckles went down to her ribs. She look at him noticing he was staring at her abdomen almost dazed. she smiled "I also have freckles on my hips". "You're gonna die of blue balls" Eaven grinned in a whisper cruelly walking past him to kiss kerra. Ervin ignored the pressure in mid his section and approached her "you're staying with me till we're sure you aren't being targeted short stuff" he half grins looking her in the eyes. "K" she smiled. Kerra look up at Eaven "she'll be fine, he won't do anything she isn't comfortable with". "That also worries me, she all talk in that field" she faintly smiled watching her mess with him. "He knows" he genuinely smiled as he seen his brother smile. 

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