first time meeting each other, also first day of third grade

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WARNING: this chapter contains the following please read with caution: mentions of domestic violence, teachers hitting students, drugs and alcohol.
please read this chapter with caution as it may be triggering for some people.


third person's pov

it was a new school for athena, and to say that she wasn't ready for this day to come was an understatement. she wanted to avoid this day at all costs, she was an introvert and liked being in the comfort of her bed, in the comfort of her own home.

but her mother wanted a new life for athena, that was understandable for the going on third grader but did they seriously have to change schools, and towns. the only good thing about this was that they didn't have to change states. then athena would be seriously screwed.

athena never really made that many friends, as she has ADHD and autism, and so they come to her, she doesn't go to them. if she does it's very seldom. this was definitely not the safe and comfort of her bed and surely wasn't her house either.

her mom has been dating his guy named christopher. he seemed like a great guy to the young girl, except for one thing. or in this case multiple things. he was a drug user also a heavy alcoholic. he has laid his hands on her mother before and when he would, athena would go to her bedroom and wait for it to be over. he never laid a hand on the girl, but it was always her mother.

she was in a domestic violent relationship, and it started out nice and slow.  after a while, her mother had enough of the bullshit she was going through and she basically kicked her boyfriend to the curb. athena was happy that she didn't have to deal with chris anymore, as it was a blessing in disguise at least to her. 

her mom also had a dog named angel as she was a flat coat retriever, and was athena's 'older' sister, even if angel was a dog. angel is almost a year older than athena, and she would always say that she has an older sister, but never told them that her 'older' sister was in fact a dog, but the girl didn't mind at all.

the next day

athena was definitely not happy of what would happen that say as it was the second day for the third grader. she got ready for school and then she walked to school as she lived little over a block away from it. as she was walking to school she saw a little girl and an older woman who athena is guessing is her grandmother. the little girl was walking out of her house as well, with her backpack tightly on her shoulders, as she rolled her eyes a little at her pestering grandmother.

the little girls grandma kept asking her questions, making sure that she had everything that she needed, and to say that this little girl was about to snap was an understatement. the two girls walked into the school, not knowing that fate would set and they would be the bestest of friends.


the two girls went to their respective classrooms passing each other in the hallways without thinking about it. when athena walked in her class she immediately had bad vibes setting in as soon as she stepped inside of the room. 

sawyer walked into her classroom, as her teacher was ms. aumock, she had the oppside vibe as athena had she was actually going to like it. as soon as athena's teacher walked into the room she wanted to escape right away. she knew that she was going to hate this teacher more than anything in her life. probably even more than she hated christopher.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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