locked in Love part 2

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As Anna enters the school she sees her friend Sarah. Sarah was a raven beauty with long black hair and blue eyes if you didn't know her you could have sworn she was a model those long gorgeous legs that hourglass figure, she was incredible . Anna Sarah shouted. Hey girl I have had the strangest day so far we need to talk. Sarah replied girl it's your birthday how strange could it be? Anna with her keeping green eyes looked at Sarah almost in tears. Ok.. said Sarah let's go to the girls locker room no one will be there and we can tell Coach we had a girl issue. As they entered the girls locker room Sarah spun around and looked at Anna girl spill she said. Anna began to tell her everything. Sarah eyes got wide then turned into a look of devilish grin. Girl he is hot know wonder you where dreaming of him exclaimed Sarah. I know but he's my stepdad and.... Girl you just need an out let for your cravings. I can help with that said Sarah. She grabbed Anna by the hand and drug her twords the very far dark corner of the locker room where no one ever went. Ok said Sarah this is to stay between us. Anna nodded her head in agreement what are you going to do? asked Anna. Lay down on the bench said Sarah and close your eyes. Anna did as she was asked. As Anna laid there Sarah softly moved Anna's long tan legs into position and took her fingers and slid them under Anna's thong line. Anna grab Sarah hands to stop here. Sarah I am still a virgin she said. Sarah said I know I promise you still will be when I am finished you just won't be so backed up. Anna laid back again and closed her eyes feeling Sarah's fingers move her thong to the side. Just relax Sarah said softly. Sarah leaned her head down between Anna's legs. As Sarah's tongue touched Anna she inhaled deeply. Sarah began teasing the clit over and over. Anna moaned in pure pleasure. More Anna begged. Sarah smiled and placed her tongue inside of Anna's now dripping wet pussy. The rush sent Anna turning read in the face. As Sarah moved back to Anna's clit Anna started to moan even louder. Sarah took one of her fingers and slowly inserted just the tip into Anna. She let out a scream of sexual pleasure Sarah covered her mouth you have to be quiet or we will get caught she's exclaimed. Ok Anna said. Sarah returned to Anna's clit as Anna covered her own mouth under her muffled moans Anna begged her not to stop she carved more soon the pleasure became to much for Anna and she cummed all over Sarah and her skirt. Sarah laughed as she cleaned her self up see now you should be ok and not have that problem for a while Sarah said. Anna tried to clean herself up but it wouldn't come all the way off I need to go home and change do you think they will let me she asked Sarah. The would have to call your parents to come get you Sarah said. That's fine I'll just say I started and I need to go. I'll still see you for your party tonight right Sarah asked. Of course nothing is stopping me from that. well happy birthday Sarah said. Anna went to the nurse to go home. She waited in the office for her mom to show. Instead Mike showed up to pick her up. Your mother had an emergency meeting in LA  and asked me to get you she said she would try and make it back but you know how those things are he said as they got in the truck. I understand said Anna. When the truck door closed Mike smelt something that made his mouth water and his dick get hard in a hurry. He looked over at Anna what she said? Nothing I can just nevermind let's go home. When they arrived at home Anna rushed inside to the bathroom to take a shower. While Mike passes in his room thinking to himself. Why does this girl have this effect on me? God she is so beautiful. I need to do something this is crazy. I need a release it's been three months that's probably why. As Mike laid on his bed massaging his rock hard cock Anna was getting out of the shower and realized she forgot her clothes. She cracked open the door to make sure the cost was clear. No Mike as she stepped out she heard a sound like someone was moaning she froze. Could he be hurt she thought she grabbed one of her big shirts and put it on quick she could still here him without thinking twice and in nothing but a shirt that barely covered her heart shaped ass she opened the door to his room and stood there staring. Mike whom was enjoying himself stopped and looked at Anna standing in the doorway. They couldn't take there eyes away from each other. Just then the front door opened and Anna's mother's voice called out Anna honey I stopped by to check on you. Anna quickly closed the door and ran to her room and jumped in bed just in time for her mother to open the door. Hi Mom she exclaimed trying to stay calm. Hi baby how are you feeling she asked I am better now Anna replied. Good but I have some bad news I won't be here for your party tonight and I won't be back till Monday I am so sorry baby. It's ok mom we can celebrate when you get home said Anna. Ok honey I got to grab a few things and I will leave you my credit card so you can get whatever you want. Thanks Mom she said. Anna's mom left the room and all Anna could think was oh no a whole weekend here with Mike alone what was she going to do? Anna's mother made her way to her bedroom it was empty. Mike scared of what would happen if he was cought with a Bonner knowing Anna had just gotten out of the shower hid in his closet. Anna's mother hollered Anna honey where is Mike? He must have went out Anna said not knowing where he could have disappeared to. Soon Anna's mother left and the curiosity got the better of Anna so she decided to find out what happened to Mike she went into the room still in nothing but the shirt to look for him. She found him in the closet sleeping Anna taped him on the shoulder and scared him awake. Anna he exclaimed you shouldn't see me like this. I know but I couldn't let you stay in the closet forever. Anna reached out a hand to help Mike up. You can't tell anyone about this ok he said I am not stupid she told him. As Anna was helping him up she tripped and they fell forward Anna's head was against the bed but on the floor with Mike's big cock right in her faces his whole body turned red if Anna opened her mouth it would be in her mouth. Mike froze not knowing what to do he started to panic. Anna realizing this she opened her mouth and accepted his rock hard cock into her mouth. Mike moaned in pleasure then realized what was happening. He pulled back fast. Anna we can't do this your only 18 look let's just separate ok. I am sorry she said I just was trying to help. It's ok let's just get ready for the party.

Stay tuned for part three it gets so much better and steamy

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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