Week 4: the whispering bell

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Ervin and his brother walk into the back of their main club the whispering bell. a place the two often got together to work business. ervin grins at remy as she set in the vip section with hornet at the bar. She was laughing at something he said next to her. Ervin made made a point to have eyes on her at all times by his soldiers and Kai and lute or Hornet always with her. Her shoulder still hurt to move to certain points but was healing fine.

Eaven noticed his brothers happy grin as he stared at her. "That's a new look for you, I take it she adjusting well to her new surroundings". he glanced from her to his brother and faintly smirk "I only wish she share the bed with me". Eaven faintly smiled at the fact his brother find a little happiness in the hell hole of life the two were dealt.

Ervin set behind the desk grabbing the lap top as his brother sit in front of him. The two were looking through their business contracts and finances after an hour he couldn't stop thinking about the short Burnett in her tight black party dress. Eaven looked up from his paper work and snickered, he could tell his brother wasn't focused on the screen in front of him anymore. He closed it "take a break, see if remy will dance with you're grumpy ass". He glared at him, anyone else dared speak to him like that would be puddle on the floor. "I have to finish this" he tried to re opened the laptop but eaven held it close. "I'll finish it" he half smiled. "Why are you being adamant about this..." he questioned irritated. Eaven stood up crossing his arms "you deserve some time to yourself and with your new obsession". He rolled his eyes walking around him out of the room "how about you worry about your pregnant wife and not my business..". Eaven grinned setting down and opening the lap top.


He look around for her, she wasn't in the vip section anymore then He spotted her on the dance floor dancing, a group of men around her admiring her. A protective aggression filled his chest as he walk over to her. He glared coldly at the men as they quickly back off. She spun around catching his gaze as he smiled darkly at her. She smiled with light giggling "hey pretty boy, dance with me". she turned back around and leaning against him shaking her hips. He raised an eyebrow amused.


The two seat at the bar as She softly laughs as he leans forward on the bar next her. "you're going to the banquet with me tomorrow" he grinned. "I don't have anything to wear for that" She said looking at him. He reach over and gently lifted her chin grinning, making her look at him. "I'll found one for you" he grinned cupping her cheeks with one hand and lightly kissing her. He walked away grinning as she blushed red smiling. Hornet walked back up to her as ervin walked past him and glanced at him to go back to her. "date with the devil?" He joked smiling. "I always said I'd fuck satan growing up, guess I'm not to far" she smiles hoping off the bar stool to walk with him.

Her phone buzzed and she pulled it from her bra as she sat in the car with him.

It was photo and message from her brother maverick.

It was him leaning on their brother Dyson who was duct tape to a chair.

"If you never hear from me again it was worth it lol".

She covered her mouth softly laughing. He raised an eyebrow at her as she showed him the phone "theses are two of my brothers". he blink slowly then chuckled starting the car.

"You really care about your brothers don't you" he faintly.

"Those 3 would walk through hell for me no questions asked" she smiled looking through the photos they sent her. Hornet could slightly understand ervin and eaven and even Kai were all brothers to him. He check in with ervin to inform he was taking her back to the house.

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