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The story takes place in a kingdom called Rainforest Hill and the kingdom is the home of the fairies while there are many fairies that lives there the total race will be twenty four different types of fairies. The kingdom is ruled by the king and queen who are Bellook and Clarnia who rules the kingdom with an iron glove as the borders of the kingdom have guilds that protects the borders of the kingdom. Within the kingdom has plenty for the fairies as to farms that supports their diet along with lumber mills since there are plenty of things they use that is made out of wood. The fairies themselves has their own shops along with homes they live in. Now the kingdom itself is surrounded by other kingdoms which they do get along most degree accept one kingdom which is the home of Fomorians which will be the enemy of the fairies. Bellook has his guards and he has a head guard not only his guard a good friend of his as well by the name of Cobell who is happily married to Pricela as the couple have been married over twenty years while having three sons all named after their father which was how Pricela wanted the first three boys to be named after Cobell that is how much she loves him. The fairies within the kingdom live in harmony for the most part with each other. The kingdom has visitors those who come in peace is allowed in but once one causes any type of problems they in the end will get banish from the king to never enter again and if they try they will be put to death specially if the crime is that great. The kingdom has schools for the children to go to and get their education so one day they will be the future for the kingdom. Nuadan who is a dark fairy who is one who lives in the kingdom as he lives alone while owning his own shop that sell clothes for male and female as he does pretty good since he would always have the latest fashion someone would always want. Rokie a female fairy she to is a dark fairy yet she is a school teacher who teaches the children how to read and do math which she loves teaching the children. Rokie would be one who would visit Nuadans shop when it comes to the latest fashion because she always wants to look her best when she is around others as well as the children she teaches. Illness has plague the kingdom especially when the winter time comes as the plague would cause many deaths as their grave begins to get filled with their dead cause by the plague. No matter how many times the plague came while many deaths happened the kingdom will mourn the dead and at some point they move on. Ever since the plagues came and went while the death toll stays the same now when some of the folks who travels by night would hear loud weeping sounding like it was coming from everywhere as the traveler would call out if someone was there and if they needed help but they got no answer but soon the weeping would stop completely. Yet no matter what no one ever spoke about that weeping sound they heard that night to anyone as they would keep it to themselves. That was not the only time they heard the weeping sound everyone that continues to travel nightly the weeping sound would happen nightly yet the fairies who can hear this can't explain what they are hearing as they are starting to become frightening when traveling. The plague never completely never stops coming it always hit when winter comes while the death toll continues to rise as the plague would take its victim but they are some lucky they made it. When the funeral came to those who died as family along with friends help the surviving family with their own lost. Meanwhile the other folks will also help the family in need to cope with their lost. Every time the plague came the king and queen is sending their people help by sending doctors to go to the victims of the plague and aiding them either there or taking them to the hospital. When the plague would finally be over has the king and queen sends out small care packages to those who suffered while still needing help to recover. The chancellor to the king who is Jarbrown who advised his king after the first swept of the plague that hit his kingdom along with some of his people dying it will be wise to give the victims who needs help small care packages to help his people so they can get back on their feet again so that is what Bellook does. When the holidays come the king goes all out for that holiday for the people like Easter egg hunting on Easter and Halloween he would have candy hunting for the trickers which will always be the children as it pleases Bellook to watch the children go running all about looking for candy as Catarnia would be happy to watch the children hunt for candy and in the end lot of children would have a bag full of candy to enjoy eating. When Thanksgiving and Christmas came there will be a huge feast for the people as everyone would gather at the castle and at the table enjoying the feast their king with his queen are holding. All the fairies always stay true to their king while some of the males became one of his guards as they are always training in case a war should ever break out they are ready for anything but only war they seem to have is that plague that comes when winter came. But for now life for the fairies goes on as normal like all other kingdoms that is surrounded to Rainforest Hill. There has been war with the Fumorisns while the elves would help the fairies with the war and when it was over it will be the fairies with the help of the elves they chased away their enemy at bay. When the war was finally over as the injury went to get attended while the heroes has a heroes feast for their brave action for joining the war and for the common to. After the feast the following day the king will go over his kingdom on the damage it took while having all the damaged areas under repair.

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