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When Cassie was finished with school she had most of the journal written as her parents suggested to turn it into a book as she said she will think about it. Every night she continues to write into her journal before bed until she decides to turn into a book because she decides to become a author as her parents couraged her since they both agreed she was a talent writer. When Cassie finally decided to become an author her father got her a tablet saying there are places that will allow her to write books as well as publishing her stories so give that a shot right then she did. So Cassie got her tablet from there she has to learn her T Mobile tablet besides she has plenty of time to learn since school was finally over and she is pretty good at figuring things on her own. Plus when she figured out most of the tablet and internet she got a notebook first as she begins to sketch out her story taking all the notes down she needed plus having an outline how each page was going to be. It took Cassie awhile to get her notes together but she didn't start right away with her first book but the next day she did. The next day Cassie looked over her notes next she begins writing her book online in hopes to gain readers this way. Cassie instead started her book like she did what she is doing is writing the history as to what is going on when the weeping sound started. So she is currently writing the history for Rainforest Hill. Meanwhile Cassie herself still during the night continues to hear the weeping sound which next turned into angry whispering sound afterwards nothing. By the time winter came around so has the plague just like clockwork many came down with it as some has died from it while others recovered from it but this time the king is one step ahead with the plague because he is very distress seeing his people getting sick and dying from it that he has his doctors working around the clock until someone from a vaccine which it is now has been found plus a cure for it which what the doctors was working to find. By the time winter was finally over and as spring time came that Cassie finally got done chapter one as she is basing everything she remembers from her history classes she took in school. By the time Cassie started chapter two she wasn't just still writing about the kingdoms history she also mentioned about the plague that seems to come only winter time while many people have died from it. Cassie continues to write her book hoping one day people will all want to read since it is based on the kingdom and the tragedy it has since the plague keeps coming back every winter. All during writing of the novel Cassie still continues to hear the weeping sound and the angry whispering sound that still occurs during the night when the folks are all in bed. When Cassie has the first three chapters done with her book which her parents wanted to read what she has so far as the first two chapters is based on the history of the kingdom now she is writing the story itself within the kingdom how certain teens wanted to solve what was causing the weeping sound along with angry whispering sound that will follow. By the time Cassie was done with her first book she has written a few more after that soon she was starting to be most read. By the time Cassie is twenty five years old she has written eight books and now she is working on her nineth book as she is very excited about it as more people within the kingdom is reading her books online. Cassie's parents are very proud of their daughter as they both support her as an online book author as they to read what their daughter has written so far. One day Cassie was doing some research to find other places to publish her already written books and when she brought her books at other readers that was when she was gaining more readers not just from her kingdom but others. Now Cassie Prettytwist now has a small gathering of readers all asking if she will write more books as she would reply she will be writing more books and that she did do. One day she got a publisher's email saying that they find Cassie a great writer and she should get paid if she didn't mind putting the books she has already on real bookshelves to be sold. Cassie didn't take long to think on it so she's gave an answer yes she would love to get paid so yes she would give permission to put her books online on shelves. After she gave the publisher her answer next she went to tell her folks what just happened and she told them that she said yes they can put her books on shelves so people can buy her books to read the news made her parents very proud of her. It was the haunting shadows of the whispering forest is the very first book that got published and hit the book shelves. About three days later the people who read her book online were the ones who got a copy of the book as many copies left the shelves as Cassie begins to see her pay check from the publisher as they began to take more books of hers as each one after it got published hardcovers hit the bookshelves as they to began to fly off the shelves by her readers she has gain already. By now when Cassie was selling her actual hardcover books while has already been making some money so far she was already writing another book so far she has been writing fantasy novels since she is real good at it and she kept at it. Since she has become an author her parents began to brag about it to everyone they know that is how proud they are of her.

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