The Beginning of My Never-Ending Angst

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"Really?" I yelled at the jerk who'd just rammed right into my side. He smirked back at me and it took everything I had not to punch him in the face. Cocky little bitch. Sure, he may have been about six inches taller than me and probably about 100 pounds heavier, but I was willing to bet I could knock him out should I get the chance.

"I hate people," I muttered as I picked up my folder and book. I found some other tall guy staring at me. "Take a picture, it'll last longer," I snarled as I walked past him. He looked shocked, probably the first time he'd ever had that said to him. He was actually pretty cute, so he probably never had, but I'd never admit that out loud. I felt his eyes on my back a few seconds before a hand landed on my shoulder.

Without bothering to look back, I shrugged it off and kept walking. "Hey, you dropped your book," a deep voice yelled after me. I decided to humor him and stop. I glared at him over my shoulder. I held out my book. "I have it in my hand, dumbass. Now back off."

"Do you hate everyone or is it just guys that want to talk to you?" He looked my in the eyes, which was pretty impressive. My eyes were a piercing dark blue and no one I knew was able to look into them for more than a few seconds.

"I hate everyone, including the guys who want to talk to me." My voice contained the perfect amount of coldness and irritation, as did my body language. I kept walking forward and waited for this idiot to stop following me. I got to my house, and to my disappointment, he was still there. "Listen, bitchface, go away. I don't know if anyone's ever told you this, but I don't want to talk to you. I don't want to see your face. Get away from my house."

"I see your aura. I know you're lonely. You don't have to hide it." I looked at him like he was on drugs and subtly hid my aura. "I think you might be cracked out. Go to a rehab center or something. I won't help you." I walked into my house, wondering how that idiot could see auras. I was a born Seer, which is pretty rare, generally the gift of Sight was given to a very carefully selected female in the community.

I'm getting ahead of myself. First, I'm Cleo, lover of all things punk rock and full of useless information about bands and fictional characters. Second, auras are like the colors of your soul. Red is anger, green envy, pink love, so on so forth. Third, being a Seer means you can see the aura of anyone, anywhere, and any time you choose.

Basically, it's a nifty little way to see if someone's lying, guilty of something, or betraying anything. I've been asked many a time if someone's significant other is cheating on them, to which I answered, "Find out yourself, I'm not part of your relationship."

The gift of Sight was only given to females. There were no male Seers. Sure, some of them could see the aura of their "true" love, but they never realize what the colors mean before it's too late. Half of them end up dumped and lonely, half of them end up reading the colors correctly and still fuck it up. As to why there are no male Seers, I have no idea. There's a legend, a rather stupid one, I might add, that says, "Allison Barne was the first Seer, and it has stayed with her female ancestors due to the family being superior."

First off, sure, Allison Barne was great, but that doesn't automatically mean her descendants are. I've checked my family tree, in no way am I related to Allison Barne. Yet, here I am, full of Seer powers, while the "superior" girls are stuck wondering, "Why is that idiot a Seer?" Second, why female descendants? I, personally, think that guys would be less likely to use it for selfish reasons. Yeah, there are some selfish guys out there, but those are usually the ones of "superior" families, the ones who are supposed to be without flaw, without fault. Third, no family is better than another.

Every family has its ups and downs. No family is perfect. No family is inferior. Family is family. Yeah, there are families where everything seems perfect. "Seems" is a key word. Allison may have been close to society's vision of perfect, but that doesn't mean her family is.

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