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I thought as to why the guy may have been able to see my aura, then decided, "Eh, screw it. It's not like I'll ever seen him again." Little did I know, I would be getting a new neighbor. A twenty-ish, beanie-wearing, rather irritating neighbor who wore glasses.

I sighed and rationalized that it would be easy to ignore him. I'd hide my colors all the time, except when I was sleeping, and everything would be fine. I looked over to see him standing there, staring at me with his big grey eyes that were covered by his hair. I glared at him, and we stood there for a few seconds, neither of us wanting to move.

I rolled my eyes and walked off. I had class today, I couldn't just stand around staring at my neighbor. However, he ran to catch up with me. "You wouldn't happen to go to the college here, would you?" he asked.


"What?" I didn't answer, just kept walking fast. He stopped and fell behind. I didn't know what he was doing, but I wasn't going to stop and find out. When I did make it to the college, I walked to my first class. He cleared his throat. "Is this Mr. Ferand's class?" I nearly punched myself in the face. I'd be stuck with him all day. The bastard was an English major. I sighed and nodded, walking in to class with him on my heels like a lost puppy.

My friend Liv's gaze burned in to my back as I sat down with the guy next to me. I turned around and shrugged at her. "Tell me later," she mouthed. I shrugged again.

"Since you haven't been kind enough to ask, my name's Conner." I heard his voice, but I didn't acknowledge it. 'Why are you being a bitch?' you might ask. I have had nothing but trouble with guys and I'm not going to let it happen again. 'But he may be different.' Yeah, but there's also a pretty good chance he's not. 'Why not just try it?' I am not taking the chance. In the words of All Time Low, "I've been played a fool four, three, too many times."

While I'd been having an internal monologue, the guy, I mean Conner, had leaned closer to me and said, "Why are you red?" I looked at my own aura, realizing that it was red. I guess that little mental press conference made me angry and hateful. Maybe I had schizophrenia. I hoped not, I work part time, I don't have the money for a hospital visit. I just shrugged and he suddenly stood up and pulled me with him. Mr. Ferand looked over, shook his head, and waved at us to go.

I loved Mr. Ferand's class for two reasons. One, we almost always got off topic. Two, he never questioned where we were going and was generally lenient. He knew I'd make up the work, so he kind of let me do as I pleased. "Hey, douche bag, where are you dragging me?" I cried as he yanked on my wrist. "Let go, that hurts!" He loosed his hold on my wrist but didn't let go completely. It was better, but not by much.

"Settle down. We're just going to my uncle to see what's going on. I shouldn't be able to see your aura." With that, he picked up his pace. I didn't walk slowly per say, but compared to the determined six-foot plus male dragging me I walked like a turtle. "Slow down, not all of us have six thousand feet of legs." His legs weren't really that long, but since he was at least seven inches taller than I am, by comparison, they were. Thankfully, he stopped and let me catch up. We talked for a while. I learned he wasn't actually that bad.

Eventually, we got to what I assumed to be his uncle's house. A tall man with light hair and the same big grey eyes walked out to greet us. "My name's Ryan. If you hadn't already guessed, I'm Conner's uncle." How could I not guess? They could've been twins, except for the hair color. I'd assumed that his uncle would be reasonably old, but this guy was only four years older than Conner at most. He wasn't quite as cute as Conner, but that's just because he wasn't wearing a beanie and glasses. I had a fetish for beanies and glasses. Basically, they were the perfect mix of masculinity and feminine beauty. By which I mean they were tall with broad shoulders, and muscular without being beefy.

"I feel really short and I don't like it," I blurted out suddenly. They looked at me for a second and broke in to quiet chuckles. "What, assholes? I'm used to being taller than people." I was about 5'8", and generally I was around short people. I felt uncomfortable around people bigger than myself.

"You do realize that we're both over 6'3", right? You're going to feel short. It happens. I just so happen to think your height's adorable," Conner said, fixing hair that had flopped over my face. He seemed to realize what he'd done when I flinched away and he blushed.

"I can feel the unrequited love, Conner," Ryan muttered. The blond turned to his house and beckoned for us to follow. We stopped walking and he told me to sit down on the large couch. "Do you want something to drink? I have Pepsi."

"That'd be great, thank you." I stood up, expecting to have to get it, but Conner put his hands on my shoulders and pushed me back down gently.

"I'll get it, you just sit here." He walked out of the room, and I found myself thinking about how melodic his voice was.

I mentally slapped myself, and felt a stinging in my cheek. I then noticed that I had actually slapped myself. Ryan just looked at me. "I'm not even going to question."

"Good choice," I told him. I felt something hit my leg and gazed down to see a small Corgi nudging my leg. I looked up at Ryan with the question written on my face. He nodded, so I picked the puppy up and set her on my lap. She wagged her tail and lay down. I stroked her side as she feel asleep.

I heard the floor creak and looked up to see Conner with two Pepsis in each hand. At that moment, I saw that Ryan had left, and judging by that fact that Conner's glasses had been knocked askew and he wasn't wearing a beanie anymore, there was some form of fighting. I noticed for the first time that his hair was a really dark brown, almost black. It was also really shiny and had a natural curl on the end. I knew girls that would kill for hair like that.

"Why do you wear beanies all the time? You have great hair," I thought aloud. For a second, he seemed confused and just shrugged.

"I don't know. I kinda don't notice that I'm wearing a beanie anymore. It's just habitual."

"Okay, before you guys continue to compliment each other, let's get to the bottom of this. Cleo, do you feel an irrational love for Conner?"

"Not really, no." "Conner?"

"Kind of. I don't know."

"Well, based on those answers, I'm guessing you guys aren't soul mates. How about random attraction? Cleo, do you suddenly feel the need to think about Conner?"



"Nah." "This makes no sense. Alright, blood test time. Cleo, stick out your arm." I complied. He pulled a needle out of his pocket and jammed it into my vein. After it was full, he took it out and put my blood in a small vial. He did the same to Conner. Grabbing both vials of blood, he poured them in to one large vial. At first, nothing happened. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, large purple swirls emitted from the blood, followed by pink, red, and orange.

"That's confusing," Ryan mumbled. "It seems you guys aren't soul mates, but there's something binding you together. He putted around the room for a few minutes, leaving Conner and me to sit there being confused. "I GOT IT!" he screamed suddenly. "YOU GUYS FIGHT TOGETHER! YOU'RE LIKE A WEAPON AND MEISTER BUT NOT AS COOL!"

"Seriously? You're talking about Soul Eater at a time like this?" I groaned. I did not want to take relationship advice from a grown man who randomly makes anime references.

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