*Shoes For Dinner*

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"Hey, mind passing over Slug juice?" Vinnie started, her gaze set to the ups and downs of the campfire flame. "These shoes are hella dry."

A night in Ramshackle is bustling for the rich, quiet for the poor, and 4 kids are no exception.

"So what if they're dry? Silly bug liquid won't fix anything. Shoes are meant to be worn!!"
This is Petunia. A girl, the main focus of this story. Unlike her friends, she hadn't been in struggling situations before. Used to teeming structures and vibrant ambients, who would expect that she'd find herself seated with some street rats?
"Let her be. That stuff helps with digestion. Not for me though. I drink." A gravelly voice holding a unique accent rose from the dark, revealing a caliginous male figure that resembled the dull night sky. He kept a bottle taped to his lips.
"Stone, shut it. I'm trying to teach basic morals." Petunia countered, finding his statement discourteous. He shrugged. "Whatever you say."
"...Anywho, were you guys serious about having nothing else? I mean, I-I can't—"

Her words were interrupted by the abrupt arrival of a shoe outsole being pushed down her throat. "Eat up! It's what we have, princess." Petunia glared at Vinnie through the choking. Thankfully, the footwear managed to escape her mouth.
"Guys, come on. At least we have campfire! Last time, birds stole all of our sticks—"
"We were freezing, Skipp."
"—That... too, but hey! It's warm now, Pep!"
Vinnie chortled at that nickname. "Yeah, Pep. Why the frown? Here, here. Sluuuuug Juuuuuuice!~"
"Agh! I don't want your Slug Juice! I'd rather starve than taste some of that."
The girl groaned in annoyance, turning her body away from the others. Throughout the time she'd been with Vinnie, Skipp, and Stone, wariness wouldn't leave any of her thoughts. Why, after all the years she was raised to develop gracefully and neatly apart from the sheer pride her mouth constantly let out, is she treated like one of their own?
Her head hurt just from reflecting about it.
"...It doesn't matter. You have my go-ahead. Munch." She sprung from her position, marching for the tent. Skipp pouted, muffling between the crunch of shoelaces. "Awh. I tdfhought sfhe'd keep us compfany."


Inside the tent forged with grubby cloth pressed with clumsy sewing at each curve of yarn lay I, uneasily shifting around in the dirt, with a patterned rag to be my only sense of comfort. The first minute or two, I struggled to unbind the countless knots in my hair, watching as a couple fell to the floor by reason of pulling force. The third minute, a familiar presence made its way towards me. A hand leaned out to rest on my shoulder.
"Hey, Pepper. Yo, all good? I saved you some grub." I heard Vinnie say in a quieter tone than usual, yet she kept her attitude.
"All good as always. And no thanks. Shoes aren't my cup of tea."

"With that face? I don't think so. Chill, I won't be forcin' you to eat anything."
"Look. I've been living like this ever since I left the womb. Life is hard, and we struggle. All of us, including you from now on."
"But just because of that doesn't mean you can give up or act like you're the only trash here. Who the heck does that?!"
I let out a small laugh.
"What I'm saying is, don't die—or kill yourself—that stuff gets real messy."
"We'll stay right here."
Without even realizing it, Skipp and Stone were already inside the tent, just listening to the conversation. I turned to them and offered a small, awkward smile.
Vinnie nudged my shoulder with a smirk, then made her way to the middle of the lawn. Stone rested on her right side, and Skipp on her left side.
I made myself the most comfortable I could below the three, and gave myself time to gather my thoughts.

I like hanging out with them. The issue is, I can't admit it. Not with a single word to be sputtered out of my mouth. I remain with a shiver running down my spine owing to a devilish presence despite my mother being gone and me having left her behind weeks ago.

I ran my hands through my scalp while the frigid midnight breeze blew through the holes in the fabric walls, tickling my body like small icicles.
Turning to my sound-asleep friends, I pondered about everything they tried to do for me.
My eyes explored the resting place, before suddenly landing on Stone's, who's eyes were staring right back at me.
We exchanged a look. When it felt awkward, I diverted my gaze.
"...I have half a drink left. Take it." He whispered.
In a swift, low movement, he threw the bottle at me and I rushed to catch it prior to it hitting the ground.
The liquid had no label; my main source of hesitance. I glanced at Stone, who motioned for me to chug it.
And so I did.
I was parched from the morning sun, and had not taken a sip of whatever until now. It's almost as if he knew I was dehydrated and desperate.
Am I really, brutally obvious? My mannerisms could confirm.

"Thank you."
By the time I thanked him, he was already slumbering, muttering some strange dialect I couldn't comprehend.
I kept a grateful smile to myself...
...and finished the bottle in under 10 seconds. Oh my. In a state of shock, I situated the container next to Stone.
Aside from that, Skipp was kind enough to proffer a segment of the only blanket they owned. It barely covered my feet. Because the cold wasn't disturbing me, I didn't complain.

I found solace in the simplicity of existing with them. My breathing matched the rhythm of the night, the faint scent of extinguished fire mingling with the soil underneath.
I closed my eyes and didn't notice any difference. It's just as dark as when they're open.

One last, gentle sigh... and my senses were gone.
Dozing off... 1... 2... 3...


...Hi! Welcome to my book! I hope you like my first chapter.
I put a lot of thought into it and tried to give you all the best
idea on the situation. Watch out for the next update! Byee!

Dancing In Shackles - 𝐑𝐀𝐌𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐋𝐄  𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐘Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ