Chapter one James

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I was walking through the city streets, confused about how it was only 11 o clock and yet I'd gotten more than what I'd expected done. I had put some money in the bank, talked to people at this place called work source (if you don't know, witch I had not, the Everett work source is in the same building as the Everett train station), And I even visited three different stores.

Currently I am at a cross street on Broadway, waiting for the light to turn into that picture of a white man walking so that I could walk across. The idea that the picture of the man walking is white provoked the thought in my head that this country really did have a lot of racism. It has surely come a long way, but it is still there.

People are still 'protesting' because people of a darker skin color are still treated unfairly. I'm not saying that people don't discriminate against other people based on the color of their skin, but normally when a person who breaks into a store and damages property; even if it is a person with white skin; they get arrested. So I personally believe that to say that because these 'protesters' are protesting to be treated fairly they won't be arrested despite the fact they are destroying stores and stealing money and even committing arson is in itself unfair treatment because then you're basically saying that white people have to follow these rules and people who aren't protesting; but the colored people who are protesting can basically get away with anything they want.

Sorry, I trail off on my thoughts sometimes. And sometimes I have a very unpopular opinion. Like how I believe that not all white people are racist. You can even quote me on that. But another thing about me is that I struggle with mental health issues. I have autism, ADHD, and other issues that make things... challenging for me.

Finally the light turned to that picture of a white person walking which indicated it was safe to cross the street. So, I did. I freaked out and jumped in a bush on the other side as a car who had been attempting to run a red light slammed on its breaks and almost hit me as it screeched to a halt.

I stayed there laying in the bush, afraid to move because I thought I had injured something on myself. My side hurt really bad, and in general I was really scared. I had been kind of anxious about getting out of the house even to be honest because I am directional challenged, but my anxiety about getting out of the house was nothing compared to the fear I felt now.

Car accidents tend to scare me a lot more than most people, that's why I don't drive. At least not yet. I'd been in a car accident with my brother driving a while back, I think a year ago at this point. No one had really gotten hurt in that accident; but I don't know if I can say the same about this one as I suddenly puked all over myself.

The person who had almost crashed into me decided to attempt a hit and run, but a police car happened to be there and he was pulled over. I was surprised the police officer was willing to actually do his job with how a lot of the politicians right now are doing that de-fund the police stuff.

I decided to take a nap because my head was starting to hurt. that part of how I was feeling is actually quite normal, I get headaches sometimes. (especially if I don't drink enough water). But sleeping tends to help, and I didn't know if anyone saw that I'd jumped in the bush.

I figured I would call my mom in like an hour when I got up and explain what happened, Or maybe not if I was feeling better by then because my mom doesn't even come home from work until 2 o clock and it has been a real struggle with me and her living together and me having not been able to find a job. I didn't want her to worry more about me since I was finally, finally making some good progress towards working.

One of the main reasons I had gone out today, which I mentioned earlier, is to talk to the people at work source. That place is a place I'd been told to look into by my therapist; three weeks ago. And today, I finally went and I was glad I did despite the fact I am currently in a bush on the side of the road because some guy tried to run a red light.

I had gotten everything done that I needed to and then some. So, as long as I was OK after this incident, I'd say today was a genuine victory. And... today would give me a good story to write about as writing stories is how I deal with my mental health issues anyways.

When I was dealing with depression; something I kept well hidden by acting happy all the time; I wrote a book about a complicated journey of Christianity, an apocalyptic story where a group of people living through the end times went on a journey together to plant a forest in a place called no mans land because of the ever growing food crises.

The story related to how I'd felt at the time because I was going through my own journey of discovery in religion and one of the characters in the story was this suicidal girl who everyone nicknamed knives because she has an obsession with pocket knives. I'm not a girl, but having that suicidal character going through a struggle in faith was how I'd felt at the time.

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