Reaserch in the Hoenn region

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Ash slowly blinked open as the early morning light started to shine of his face. Both Ash and Goh have had an extreamly busy week, and today would be no different.

     "Oh, you're finaly awake!" Goh exclaimed. "You better get ready for the day, Ash! Today we are heading over to the Hoenn region to observe the interactions between the regions Pokémon!" Ash grumbled at the thought of having to get out of his warm bed. "C'mon Ash! It will be fun!" Goh said while walking over to Ash. Goh bended over Ash and have him a playful shove. After a couple seconds Ash begrudgingly sat up in his bed. "I'm going to get breakfast, I'll get a plate for you too, Ash." Ash stood up and thanked Goh.

     Goh walked down to the kitchen and grabbed two plates and started to prepare breakfast for himself and Ash. While Goh was making the second sandwich he heard footsteps slowing coming towards the kitchen. "Hey sleepyhead!" He exclaimed when he saw Ash walk through the doorway. Ash and Goh quickly ate before heading out for their long day.
     Once the two boys arrived in the Hoenn region Ash put his head on Goh's shoulder. "I really hope that we can have an easier day soon" Ash grumbled while still resting his head on the the shorter boys shoulder. "Y-yeah me too" Goh stuttered.

     Ash immediately cheered up at the sight of a cluster of zigzagoons. "Look Goh! There are so many zigzagoons!" Ash exclaimed while grabbing Goh's hand and running up to them. Goh blushed as Ash grabbed onto his hand.

     "Look over there" Ash shouted while pointing. In the distance there was a large flock of tailow and swellow.

     "Ash be quiet. You are going to scare off all of the Pokémon, and we can not just run all over the place! We need to observe the Pokémon and there actions" Goh gently reminded Ash. Goh grabbed for his notepad and pencil to write down observations on the zigzagoon pack. He quickly wrote down "Zigzagoons seem to stay in pairs of two. All zigzagoons stay close to each other." He was going to write more before he realized that Ash had run off"

     Goh franticly shouted Ash's name until he got a response. "I thought we weren't supposed to shout because it would scare off all of the Pokémon" Ash jokingly said "Well you scared me half to death Ash! Please tell me when you are going to wonder off, and where you are going" Goh scolded. "Did you at least get any observations on Pokémkn?" Goh added. "I sure did!" Ash happily said while handing his notepad over to Goh. "Ash, this just says, "Swellow really cool :)" this is not a proper observation" "Yes it is!" Ash protested "The swellows were really cool!" "Okay, you do have a pretty good point there, the swellows are pretty cool, but I don't think thats what the professor meant when he asked for observations of Hoenn's Pokémon. How about we go over to the flock of swellow and tailow now and get some observations that the professor will except"

     Goh and Ash went over to the large flock of bird Pokémon. Ash noticed that the swellow were at the front of the flock guiding while the tailow were at the back following. Goh praised Ash for the good observation and quickly wrote about it in his notepad. The flock of bird Pokémon was very interesting to Goh. While Goh was jotting down observations about the flock of Bird Pokémon he kept looking up to make sure that Ash was still with him.

     "Gohhhhhhhh" Ash dramatically said

     "What is it?" Goh responded while still jotting down notes on the swellow and tailow.

     "I'm so hungry, I feel like I am going to die of starvation"

     "Just give me another minute or so Ash. I brought food for you because I knew you would get hungry" Goh quickly finished up taking notes on the
flock of bird Pokémon so he could grab the food that he packed for himself and Ash. Once Goh had finished taking notes he took off his backpack and grabbed the two sandwiches that he had packed for the day. "Here you go" Goh said while handing one of the sandwiches to Ash. Ash thanked Goh before quickly devouring the peanut butter and jelly sandwich that Goh had made for him. 

     The sun was starting to set. The once bright blue sky had turning into a bright pink. Long shadows from the trees were being casted over the ground in the forest. Ash and Goh had made observations on many of the Pokémon that the Hoenn region had to offer. The two boys had written about every Pokémon that they had come across in the day.

    "How about we sit down and watch the sunset" Goh suggested
    "That would be nice" Ash responded. The two boys found a warm grassy patch to sit in. Goh and Ash had taken their backpacks off and put them down next to each other.  As the sun set they sky only grew to be an even brighter and more beautiful shade of pink. Ash moved closer to Goh and leaned against the smaller boy. Goh got flustered at this show of affections.

     "Is this okay?" Ash questioned "I can move if you like" Goh didn't verbally answer but he instead rested his head on top of Ash's. Stars started to appear in the once bright pink sky.

     "We should start to head back" Ash stated.

     "Yeah I guess we should" Goh responded

     "Y'know Goh, You make this day an amazing day." Goh blushed in response to the complement, but before he had time to answer Ash added onto his previous statement. "I really love you Goh" Goh immediately started to blush even harder at these words. "You are such an amazing person! You can make anything that we need to do enjoyable! It would have been awful to have to observe Pokémon alone!" Ash said before bringing Goh into a hug. Goh was red from ear to ear from both the complement and being hugged by Ash. The words echoed in Goh's head for a few seconds while the two boys sat there in a hug.

     "T-thank you" Goh stuttered after a moment. "I really love you too, Ash"

A/N hello! This is my first time writing anything like this so it might not be the best. ^^' If you have any suggestions I would love to hear! Please feel free to let me know if you see any grammar or spelling mistakes :3

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