#22: prank gone to far..

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This was actually meant to be a dare but I like the idea to much! Thank you Dreamblade2
Sooooo much!!!!

No cap this is more around Solar and Moon then Sun 💀

Also in my au, Solar has only one brother which was lunar from his dimension. Nobody else .


Sun was feeling mischievous today, so he decided to prank his family by pretending he lost his memory.

He jumped off the ball pit, specifically from the corner so he would purposely fall.

When he hit the hard daycare floor, he yelped rather loudly, even though it was a prank it actually hurted a lot..

Moon was sitting on the security desk while solar was working on the computer (yes solar is alive THEHEHEHEHHE)

They heard the thud and Sun's yelp.

"Did you hear that?" Moon asked.

"Yeah, let's go check what...or actually who that was." Solar replied, taking moons wrist and dragging him

"Uh huh." Moon quickly spoke, as they reached the ball pit and saw a unconscious Sun.

"SUNNY?!" Moon yelled, quickly running over to Sun's body.

Solar ran after him.

"Brother? Sun are you...." Before moon could finish sundrop powered on.

"Factory reset protocols activated.." Sundrops system said.

"Wh...what?" Solar said, taking Sundrops wrist and checking his system

"Why the heck is it reseting?! Computer tell footage of what happend." Moon said

"Hm, it seems that sun fell of the ball pit, and hit his head hard...so his system has hereby malfunctioned." The 1st computer said.

Moon got stunned and it was as if his breath had stopped in it's tracks.

"W...w..wh..what?!" Moon said through shivers.

"I- wait a second..." Solar started

"Sun's fallen from the balcony many times...how come? Wait...is this a prank?"
Solar said, getting suspicious now and sun powered on.

"Sun?" Moon said

"Hi I'm su- Who are you!? And what are you 2 doing in the daycare! This is authorized territory!" Sundrop said, his voice didn't stutter or sounded anxious like his usual self at all...it was genuine and calm...like the old Sun

"You don't...remember us...?" Moon asked, but solar kept quiet, observing sun's every move.

"Nuh uh! Who are you?! And what are you doing here! Get out or I'll call security!" Sundrop said, his voice was now confident.

"Well that's new." Solar said, questioning at how the anxious little sun had suddenly turned into a confident capybara.

Solar and Moon looked at eachother dumbfounded.

"Sundrop I really don't have time for this. Cut the act." Solar said, helping Moon stand up.

Moon didn't say a thing, waiting for sun to respond.

"What act?! Get out of my daycare" Sun said.

"Your daycare? I literally built this place in...like November or something" solar said, a little offended and amused at how easily moon was buying the act.

"Moon. Your not actually buying it are you?!" Solar asked moon, putting his hands on moons shoulders from behind and shaking him by them.


Sun's mind: Dang it Solar! Your gonna ruin my plan! And I haven't even been to Lunar and Earth yet! Maybe even eclipse and blood if I can collect the courage. I'ma show your flat face.

"You! You still haven't told me who you are." Sun said, pointing to Solar.

"He hasn't told you his name either and I'm Solar...Solar Eclipse" solar said, rolling his eyes and lowering his voice when he said his full name.

"Well it's easy to tell his name by his appearance and you literally just called him Moon." Sun said.

"Fair." Solar said.

"We're not taking this seriously...Sunny please tell me that this is a prank...? You didn't actually loose your memories..."
Moon asked, concerned yet again

"What? What memories? And why are you calling me Sunny? My names Sunrise!" Sundrop said.

"Sun...rise? That's new" lunar said, solar didn't even realize Lunar was sitting on his head.

"Get off of me lunar." Solar said, sighing and picking him up and putting him down

"Wait you didn't...actually...?" Moon said, shocked and confused, he also felt horror thinking about sun loosing his memories.

"Don't fall for it Moo-" solar got cut off by Moon saying:


"D r a m a" Lunar said in a whispering tone.

"...hmmm." solar said and then.


"WHAT WHERE?" Sun yelled back, hiding behind Moon

"The old Sun wouldn't know who Bloodmoon is." Solar said, pulling Moon away from Sun.

"Don't pull my own brother away from me! Party pooper." Sun said.

"Seriously Sun! You actually had me worried." Moon said, mumbling the last sentence.

"Oh dang it..." Sun started.

"...I'm sorry." He continued.

Solar had left, back to the theater since he was clearly mad at Moon for yelling at him wrongly.

"I...it's fine...now you made Solar mad at me." Moon said, noticing solar had left.

"You better go apologize to him Moon." Lunar said.

"I probably should..." Moon whispered to himself and went to the theater.

"Soul?" Moon said, his voice echoing in the empty theatre lobby.

Solar didn't respond. Continuing to work at his computer.

Moon approached him.

"Solar?" Moon said to solar, taking the computer mouse away from his grasp.

"What." Solar replied, still looking down at the computer screen, avoiding eye contact.

"I..uh...I'm sorry...fo-" Moon started but got cut off.

"I don't wanna hear it..right now.. please just leave me alone." Solar said with no emotion in his voice.

"But-" Moon tried speaking again.

"Moon. I said I don't wanna hear it! Leave." Solar said...his voice now getting angry.

Moon didn't want to argue, so he left.

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