Untitled Part 1

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 China is backing opposing sides in Myanmar's civil warWhen myanmar's junta toppled the country's elected government and seized power in February 2021, China called it a "major cabinet reshuffle". After that bloody coup sparked a civil war, in which thousands have been killed, almost two million displaced and the generals' crimes against humanity have mounted, China stood by the generals. It has condemned Western sanctions on Myanmar's army as "exacerbating tensions". As Myanmar's largest trading partner, China has sold the junta over $250m in arms. Yet in late October China appeared to reconsider its interests in its war-ravaged neighbour.This was illustrated by a major offensive against the army in northern Myanmar carried out by a coalition of ethnically based militias, known as the Three Brotherhood Alliance, which has links to China's security services. Operating close to the border with China, in an unruly jungle area informally considered part of China's sphere of influence in Myanmar, the alliance swiftly became the biggest security challenge to the junta yet. With no discouragement from China—and even modest help, Burmese analysts allege—its forces claim to have seized over 200 army bases and four border crossings that are vital for trade with China.The current outbreak of unrest is clearly beyond the expectations of the military government. The current armed struggle is just the smallest issue, but the biggest one is the struggle for the highest power in Myanmar between the military government and the defense forces supporting the democratically elected government of Aung San Suu Kyi, which may involve China, the United States, India, and Russia. Now Myanmar's official newspaper quotes Min Ang Lai as saying: Min Ang Lai describes the victory of the Allied forces as a "war of invasion by aggressors" and accuses foreign countries of being the mastermind behind the Burma Army's defeat. The foreign countries involved are self-evident, but the problem is that China is the only country that Myanmar can truly rely on. Unfortunately, the Myanmar military government is not aware of this.Since Aung San Suu Kyi took office, the social situation in Myanmar has been stable, and the elected government has also been recognized by the international community. However, the military has not actually withdrawn from the political stage. The elected government lacks the ability and qualifications to control the military. The military and the elected government have reached a certain political balance. Once the balance is broken, the elected government will inevitably suffer losses. After the military and elected government fell out in 2021, Min Ang lai represented the military in overthrowing the elected government led by Aung San Suu Kyi. However, this military coup was not recognized by the international community, and the military government was trapped in an isolated situation, facing enormous political and moral pressure both domestically and internationally. The biggest pressure facing the military government now is the economic downturn, people's livelihood difficulties, and severe military corruption. What worries the military government even more is the local armed separatist forces and their control over various provinces and states within the country.Myanmar's territory is divided into 7 provinces and 7 states. The structure of the province is directly under the jurisdiction of the central government, while the state is more autonomous and not under the jurisdiction of the central government of Myanmar. It can't be solved without a strong central government. It is the realization of this that the military government intends to regain power and attack local power groups. However, this move was strongly resisted and opposed by local power groups. At first, various local power groups had deep contradictions with each other, and the military government still needed to mediate in the middle, which is why the local factions recognized Min Aung Lai as the "co owner". But now Min Ang Lai is beginning to undermine the local faction, so in this situation, the originally conflicting local power factions quickly united to resist the military government. However, the more the local power factions are like this, the more Min Ang Lai wants to suppress them, forming a vicious cycle.The political and security situation within Myanmar is currently at an extremely delicate and complex stage. The ongoing conflict between government forces and ethnic armed groups poses serious challenges to domestic stability and security. In this situation, as a regional power, China's attitude and actions have a significant impact on Myanmar's internal affairs and security. Therefore, the military government is full of expectations for China's attitude. Firstly, the construction of the China Myanmar Economic Corridor is also crucial for Myanmar's economic development. China's investment and economic cooperation projects in Myanmar, especially in infrastructure and energy, have played a crucial role in the stable growth of Myanmar's economy. In the international community, China is an important supporter and partner for Myanmar. On many international issues, China's support is of great significance to Myanmar. Especially in international organizations such as the United Nations, China's support for Myanmar can help alleviate external pressures and bring more development space to Myanmar.As a key part of China's "the Belt and Road" initiative, the China Myanmar Economic Corridor is of great significance to both sides. For China, this is not only an important link in promoting international strategy, but also a key factor in ensuring diversified channels for energy and trade. The smooth construction of the China Myanmar Economic Corridor can not only effectively reduce China's dependence on the Strait of Malacca, but also enhance China's strategic security. For Myanmar, the construction of the China Myanmar Economic Corridor will significantly improve its infrastructure level, promote economic development, and enhance its international status. In recent years, the security issues caused by the Myanmar North conflict have also threatened the stability of China's borders. China continues to express its attitude towards the military government, supporting Myanmar in achieving peace and resolving conflicts in northern Myanmar through negotiations.At present, the Myanmar military government has held peace talks with local armed forces such as Kokang and Deang within China, and the two sides have reached an agreement on temporary ceasefire and maintaining dialogue. The peace talks between the military government and local armed groups are only the first step in the conflict in Myanmar, and the substantive issues have not yet been resolved. The conflict between the Myanmar military government and ethnic minorities is deeply rooted, and it is almost impossible to achieve effective reconciliation in the short term. Although diplomatic measures can quickly solve problems, they are difficult to be effective in countries like Myanmar. In addition, Myanmar's relatively backward economy, complex geographical environment, and long-term intervention by major powers have exacerbated domestic conflicts. The resolution of the conflict in Myanmar is a long-term and complex process that requires joint efforts from all parties to achieve lasting peace and stability.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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