A Lord and His Shield

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How my day began was like any other, but honestly was quite nice. There was a good breakfast, and the day was clear as I headed to today's task. The woods were a peaceful stroll before I came to the Lord's house. As I neared, I thought of what I would do to entertain the young noble; Galen. As one who grew up among weapons, and tactics. I didn't get to play much. As I neared the gate passing by the guards on my way in. If this was a house in the city there would be the city walls to protect it besides the men here. But since the Lord and his late wife had a fondness for the wood he built their home north of it with smaller stone walls to protect what they could.

As I walked up the path that led its way to a smaller portion of the main hall. It was where the young noble lived. In this separate space is his place to do whatever he wishes, a personal library filled with any book he would want, a small garden that is cared for, a small kitchen all to his own, and of course his own living quarters bath included.

Once ushered inside by the attendant at the door with a simple "Welcome good, Sir."

It was this way whenever I visited either to run errands to the Captain here or very rarely the Lord himself. Though today's task has been puzzling, it is the first I've ever had the chance to spend time with Galen.

He was at this moment being entertained by a bard who was traveling with a small entourage of performers that I had passed outside clad in travel-worn brown cloaks and covered in dirt. The man though was cleaner no doubt for the young noble. Though having a green cloak, and wearing a smile that showed mischief that was waiting to be shown. What caught my eye was the thin scar under his jaw that though hard to see; was clean-cut. The moment I drew near seemed to be a signal though.

"Once the fires in the hearth glowed bright, and the good Lord ruled well into his life," said the Bard. Dancing to the side sounding off a piercing shrill note that hit the air, and within a moment followed by a sudden clamor from the outside. "Until the Dragon took flight, and burned the town at night."

The ring of swords could be heard and had me reach for mine. Just as I did the Bard flashed out a knife rushing forward, but I was near enough, and he still paid me no heed thinking I was a servant tell he found his knife embedded in the ground and a blade to his chest.

"But like any great worm of old no dragon is a match for a Knight," I said. "What is the worth of a Knight? Especially one so young."

"At least I don't attack harmless people no matter who they may be."

"There are no harmless here, Boy." He stated. Dropping his cloak showing leather as dark as night itself, and at his side a blade thinner than a reed, but even I can see the razor-thin pale edge.

"Then it is true what they say about old worms. They seek a hoard of treasures not their own." Said Galen.

Just as the last word dropped the man's face twisted in rage. As he pounced at me, I raised my swords meeting his blades. His height, and weight pressed down upon me, but soon it was gone. With him pressed against the wall. Pinned there as if held by an invisible force. Glancing back enough the young Galen's eyes shone blue.

"Glad you came dear Knight," Galen said.

"Seems you need no protection," I said.

"Oh, but I do. Who will keep me company from the stuck-up, and pompous? Or stand with me against villains like him."

Twisting and withering

"So is that why I am here." "Yes, because everyone needs a friend no matter their wealth, strength, or station. So what do you say to that Lord Commander Gideon." I turned in place to see behind the young Lord and heir was the King of the Land; the Silver Lion of the North. As he strides to his son's side I turned to see the young prince's corded hand pointed to the wall. Yet doesn't stop, strides onto the windows that shook. From outside the clamour and din of metal had stopped. Replaced with echoings of continued rhythmic sound almost drum-like until finally a massive rumble rattles the floor, and sent out a plume of dust. The silence was deafening and then rendered through with a shock wave of violence like living thunder."Stand tall, and prepare both of you. Your dragon is here."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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