Asks: 1

35 3 3

Strebzl: "what's the most underrated food that not many people know about but tastes amazing?"

Honestly,100% oxtail stew. Legit so good. Or (I don't know this dish name but it was from Italy) these cheesy oysters,trust me it was good,and it tasted like mozzarella cheese. Was so good!

L3af_sag3-: "if there's anybody in the world you would want to see right now,who would it be?"

My brother,or as I call him,Bubby. I miss him a lot and he likes on the other side of the world -m- we play Roblox on Sundays tho!

[Also forgot to add my irl best friend,J,or his wattpad name Kimo. Maybe even my cousins too!]

cookie_Blaster: "what got you started on here and why? Also do you have any pets?"

I'm gonna be totally honest,I only got on this app to read experiment 21,picture day,and this random 4x au i don't remember the name of...cause I saw yt vid comps of it,so i was like 'huh. I should see that!' Then I decided 'I'm also gonna make an acc for lols and to follow these creators!'

And now I'm here.

Also I have a pet dog,his name is Eddie and he's the cutest.

Also I have a pet dog,his name is Eddie and he's the cutest

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Him <3 (my old house lmao)

Released this a little early cause I need to do school stuff

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