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(Outfit above^^)

Skilfully, Lilith reversed into the parking spot beside her adoptive siblings, she adjusted her bag and looked into her rear view mirror to touch up her hair.

Her ears caught the sound of footsteps nearing her GXP, she turned her head toward the owner.

"Hey, Lily." Lilith grinned, seeing her older brother, Edward, leaning against the passenger seat's window with a timid smile.

"Hey, Edward," She continued retouching her hair, "Is there anything you need?" Edward's grin brightened as he softly spoke up, "..- I'm checking to see how you're doing." Lilith smiled wholeheartedly.

"I'm fine." She slammed her white car door closed, walking beside her adoptive brother with a thin lined expression.

"Okay." Edward slipped an arm over Lilith's shoulder, side hugging her gently, and smirking forward at the school building, satisfied that he could make up with his sister from that misunderstanding.

School ended early, Lily approached her Pontiac Solstice, unlocking it with her car key and tossing her bag in.

"What happened, sis? Horrible day?" Emmett asked, playfully.

Lilith rolled her eyes, "No, it was okay. How was Science?" Lily shot back at him, her lips tilting upwards into a smile as Emmett deadpanned at the question, reminding him of how he failed that class due to not listening to the teacher, and Lily's class was right across from his.

She couldn't help but chuckle, placing a hand over her mouth.

"I didn't think it was that hard to listen till I met you, Em," Lily said.

Leaned back sitting atop of her hood, smirking teasingly at her older adoptive brother, "That poor teacher is still recovering."

Emmett scoffed lightly, turning away to face his lover, Rosalie Hale, as Lily's eyes spotted Edward staring into the abyss longingly, whose name was Bella Swan, staring back at him with an equal amount of longing.

Lilith's ends of her lips curved downwards, disliking her loneliness.

She turned back around to the driver's seat door of her car, swinging it open as she was about to hop inside to drive away along with the other Cullens, till Lily heard a sudden sound of tyres shrieking, and squeaking, as it turned to every direction but didn't move.

It drove straight for Bella, turning to slam its side into her and squishing her into her own Chevrolet truck.

At the blink of a human eye, it looked like it had done the job, but in the vampire eye, you could've seen the blur that was Edward that had rushed to save her before the van could try and make contact with her and the truck.

Lily's eyes widened, noticing the decision he had made to keep her safe, but also endangering the Cullens after the many years of staying in hiding from The Volturi.

She grabbed her hood, placing it over her head, as she entered her car in the driver's seat and pulled the car door shut.

Driving away along with her and her adoptive siblings.

Lily, Rose, and Edward entered the hospital hastily, walking in human pace as they waited for Carlisle to finish tending to Bella, per Edward's request and since he was acquainted with Charlie Swan.

Turning out Rose technically barking insults at Edward, she listened in on Bella's inspection.

"I heard the chief's daughter was here." Carlisle sounded splendid to see his friend again after a while.

"Oh, Dr. Cullen." Charlie acknowledged.

"Charlie. I've got this one, Jackie." He assured the nurse.

"Isabella." Carlisle started, only to be told, "Bella." "Well, Bella, looks like you took quite the spill, how do you feel?" He asked, checking if she was fine to calm Edward's nerves.

"Good." She mumbled.

"Look, here. You might experience some post traumatic stress or disorientation, but your vitals look good, no signs of any head trauma. I think you'll be just fine." Carlisle took back his clipboard, finishing it off with a couple scribbles of his pen.

Suddenly, Tyler started spouting out apologies guiltily.

"You know, it would've been a whole lot worse if Edward wasn't there, he knocked me out of the way." Bella explained, describing what she saw to the doctor.

"Edward? Your boy?" Charlie questioned.

"Yeah, it was amazing, I mean he got to me so fast. He was nowhere near me." Bella added.

"It sounds like, you were very lucky. Charlie." Carlisle called for the patient's caregiver.

Lily tuned out of the conversation, back to both Edward and Rosalie arguing, "How could you, Edward? After all the years in hiding, and now you're trying to expose us to the Volturi. We promised, Edward." Rosalie argued.

"Fifteen kids had saw what happened." Rose added.

"Guys, this isn't a good idea to speak about this in public.." Edward, nonetheless, ignored Lily's warning.

"What was I supposed to do, let her die?" Edward shot at her.

"This isn't just about you. It's about all of us." Rose attempted to redirect his perspective, trying to get him to understand he was wrong for choosing someone else's safety over his centuries old vampire coven's safety.

"I think we should take this to my office." Carlisle suggested.

And Lilith spotted the human that Edward labeled as his mate.

"Can I talk to you?" Bella asked, meekly.

"Rosalie. Lilith." He took their shoulder with each hand, glancing inconspicuously at them to get them to walk to his office with him, peering back at Edward with a careful glance.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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