Chapter 11: No Reconciliation

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Avaline POV

Ever since Katherine and Jacob, things have been tense. Not only I've been given dirty looks by my ex friends, but they also despise the fact that I'm dating Ryo. And to make matters worse, I also found out from Abigail that Jacob was stalking us during our dates.

After class, I was heading to my locker until Jacob blocked my path.

I glared at my ex crush with hate.

"Jacob." I spat out venomously.

"Avaline. It's been a while." Jacob smiled.

"Don't play dumb with me, Jacob. I know you've been stalking my boyfriend and I." I replied, crossing my arms.

Jacob dropped the smile and sighed. "So I guess we're doing this now."

"What do you want?" I asked, wanting to get away from him.

"Simple. I want us to go back to how we were back in the day. I know you're dating that Asian Boy just to make me jealous." Jacob explained.

I scoffed. "Really? You honestly think I would date Ryosuke just to make you jealous? We haven't seen each other for months after you and Katherine stabbed my sister and I in the back."

Jacob scowled. "Come on. You don't have to bring that up. If anything, I came to apologise for what I did. So, I'm sorry."

I shook my head at Jacob's half-assed apology. Does he really think that a simple apology would suddenly make me forgive him. After all the comments he said about my parents. My sister. My aunt.

"I don't and will not forgive you, Jacob." I replied bitterly.

"Ava-." Jacob tried to cup my cheek, but I pushed his hand away.

"No, Jacob. You don't get to call me that anymore. You have to live with the fact you broke my trust in you and Katherine. You brought this upon yourself when you betrayed me. I've moved on.And I suggest that you should too." 

I was about to leave until Jacob grabbed my wrist.

"Please, listen to me, Ava." He pleaded.

With one quick motion, I threw a punch at Jacob's jaw and knocked him to the ground. 

"Don't fucking touch me. If you come near me or my sister, I will end you." I growled.

And with that, I walked away from Jacob, not caring about everyone whispering around me.

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