Episode 1: Toad's Apartment

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Bigby's POV...
Me and Snow arrived at The Woodsman's Apartment while I was telling her about the crap that happened early this morning. In the day, Toad's car and the hole in Woody's apartment room looked so much worse. "Is somebody up there?" Snow asked. I saw someone in Woody's apartment. He was a big guy. Wearing a white coat and a hat. "Hey!" I yelled. He ran off. I ran up to see he disappeared. I went to the hole and shook my head to Snow. She came in. "I'M SORRY." I heard from a child.
"Thats enough, just shut it!" Toad yelled. He was arguing with his son. I went back downstairs with Snow. "Is that Toad's son?" Snow asked.
"I think." I was about to kick the door open but Snow put her hand on my chest. "Just be nice in there." Snow told me. I nodded. I calmly opened the door. Toad was shushing his son. "Bigby! ...and Miss White! Surely you didn't come all this way just for my bother!" He said.
"You called." I told him.
"Yeah. Sorry, it was an accident. I thought someone was in The Woodsman's place. I was wrong, though. Just a leaky drain pipe." He told us. I took a look around the place. It was busted up. Lamp on the ground, and the door frame was busted. "Someone was here when we arrived. I'm gonna take a look around before we leave." I told Toad. Snow spoke with Toad's son, Toad Junior. Or TJ. TJ brought Snow to his room to see his insect collection. I immediately asked about the lamp. "How'd the lamp break?" I asked Toad.
"Damn thing must've fallen off the table." Toad told me.
"Mhmm.." I mumbled. There was no open outlet. I looked at the door. "Lock's busted. Looks like it was kicked in." I asked him.
"The fuckin' locks been busted for weeks, mate. Rotted just like everything else in this building." Toad said. I went to his living room. There was an empty dust spot on a table. "The lamp was here. The spot on the table matches the bottom of it. And there isn't even an open outlet." I told Toad. "You lied to me."
"I was doing some redecorating. No problem." Toad said. He knew I caught him in a lie. I went to his window. I saw marks on it. "Marks on the windowsill. What happened here?" I asked him.
"I...came outside and left my keys. So i had to climb in through the bloody window." Toad said.
"But the door's lock is broken. You wouldn't need keys." I told him.
"Right. I suppose i forgot." He said. I caught him in a lie twice. Then i saw a firepoker on the ground with blood on the tip snd blood on the wall. "You stab yourself?" I asked. "Fresh blood."
"Uhh...yeah, my hand. Cut it and ran like crazy. My foot was bleeding everywhere." Toad said.
"Your hand or your foot?" I asked.
"Uh-umboth! Cut my foot then dropped it on my foot." He said. I knew he was lying. I went to check on Snow and TJ. "Find anything?" Snow asked.
"Toad'a hiding something. I don't know what it is yet." I saidZ "Stay with TJ until I get the answer?" I asked. Snow nodded and the door closed back up. I went back to Toad. "I know you're lying. I caught you three times. The lamp, the door and window, the fire poker. Just come clean." I told him. TJ and Snow came out. Toad hugged his son and we saw blood on his head. "Mr Toad, you're bleeding." Snow said. He turned around and sighed. He took his hat off. "It was that butcher, a Tweedle. Dum or Dee. Gotta strip them to their johnnies before you know which is which." Toad told us. Frost gave him a rag and he held it on his head. "He tore my place up and beat me up when I said I didn't have what he wanted. It was something of The Woodsman. I wanted to tell you. But he said if word of this got to you or Snow White, he'd kill my boy. Even tried to give the bastard her coat." Toad said.
"Coat? Who's? Faith's? The girl from this morning?" I asked him.
"I didn't steal nothin. The turnaround would astonish you, mate. I merely repossess what's left behind." Toad explained. Toad pointed us to the fireplace and Snow reached up to grab Faith's jacket. It was Donkeyskin. There was a letter on it. I took it and put it in my pocket. Not right to open another man's mail.

Me and Snow left Toad's apartment and I lit a cigarette. "Does it always go that smoothly?" Snow asked.
"Not often." I told her. "Anyway, let's head to Lawrence's to give him his mail and help Y/n out. Maybe he needs some."
"Yeah. Lets go." Snow said. We started walking that way.

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