Chapter Five

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Galen : I'm having dinner with my dear Cassandra tonight at her son's house. She said he is in favor of us now but I don't think so. I attempted messenger chats with him and his lovely but scary sister. Grace said " Get fucked". The son said that he wants his mother happy but he doesn't want any contact with me. Then he asked me to unfriend Charles LeClair lol. Then he told me if I hurt his mother he would feed me to his son Winnie's cat.

Private Number: As usual our Theodore is going to be a meddling annoyance. Just like before. Well. Just keep being your naturally wonderful and charming self , Galen. And don't forget the gift for Theodore. I'm certain he will love it. I'm certain it'll be to die for.


Cassandra: Lunch on the waterfront in Georgetown was just lovely, Galen ! You're so much more handsome than your pictures. I'm a very lucky woman.

Galen: You make my head swell , pretty lady. And I am the lucky one.

Cassandra: You are still coming to dinner tonight? It won't be fancy. Just my son and his family. And their friends and that adorable Livvie. Not like Thanksgiving in a couple weeks. Now that will be a gathering! Once she gets over her own temper tantrum you will meet Grace and her own family then.

Galen : Looking forward to it, my love. And tonight as well. I'm looking forward to winning over your son.

Cassandra: I'm sure that won't be a problem. Theodore has always been a very good boy who gets along with everyone. I'm sure he will love you as much as I do.

Galen : I do. What a wonderful word.


Charles: Lane ?

Charles: Lane?

Charles: Lane, are you still giving me the silent treatment? I said I was sorry. I thought that relationship status was funny.

Lane: It's not that. And it was not funny. It's your keeping on with the moving in business.

Charles: And what exactly is wrong with us living together? Hmmm ? It will cut down on your living expenses. You're here pretty much all the time anyway. When you are not pouting and hiding from me.

Lane: What's wrong with it? I'm a poor teacher that drives a old car held together with duct tape and a prayer. I'm still paying off student loans. When I run out of TP I hoard napkins from Taco Bell. How am I going to be expected to pay my share of living expenses at your place, Charlie?

Charles: You don't have to. I can easily afford to support both of us. As for your loans I still want to pay them off. I want to take care of you. The way you deserve.

Lane : Charles, I love you but you just don't get it. I'm your boyfriend not your rent boy.

Charles: I know that. And that's offensive. To me. And you.

Lane : If you know it then act like it. Damn it. I'm a man. Just like you.


Matt : Cass , do you know if Theo and Reed have a deep fryer?

Cassandra: No. I don't believe they do. Why , Matthew?

Matt : I just found the most marvelous sounding recipe for deep fried turkey. And Allie Keller faxed me so many stuffing recipes we can use on Thanksgiving! One for a bourbon flavored sweet potato pie too. I'm going to email it all to you. And I'll get Saint's credit card to buy a deep fryer for Theo and Reed. Mine is maxed out from upgrading our kitchen. We'll just call it an early Christmas gift.

Cassandra: Have you ever deep fried a turkey before?

Matt : No ! But it sounds fun !

Cassandra: You know what? It does. Let's do it!

Matt : Yes ! This is going to be the best Thanksgiving ever! Nothing will ruin this !

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