Chapter Two

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Song for Chapter 2

Rather Be by Clean Bandit (feat. Jess Glynne)


Destiny's POV


Today marked the official ending of summer vacation, the first day of school. I had dreaded having to get up at seven thirty, instead of being able to sleep for how ever long I desired. However,  school did mean that I got to see Liam almost every day, which did make the school day more enjoyable.

When I walked I to the school building, the first place I went to was my locker. I had texted Liam my locker number last night, just in case he wanted to meet me there this morning. When I got to my locker, I discovered that Liam was not there. It didn't bother me, though. He probably had other people he wanted to talk to who he hadn't seen in awhile, which I understood.

I spun the combination lock around, putting my combination into the locker.

As I was doing so, the locker next to mine made a sound, almost like someone had leaned against it. I leaned back a little, glancing behind my locker door. I smiled a little, seeing Kenzie leaning against the locker next to mine. "Hey." I told her, leaning forward again, placing one last binder onto the shelf. "How was your summer?" She asked, right as I shut my locker. My attention turned toward Kenzie, before replying. "You saw me practically every day Kenzie. It was good though, thanks for asking." I told her, before she got off of the locker. The two of us began walking down the hall, before I added onto my statement. "How was yours?" I asked her.

Kenzie let out a sigh, and looked over at me. "It was pretty nice. At least I got to see you a lot over the summer. That was a good thing." She told me. I smiled wider at this, before looking down at my pink converse. "At least you aren't one of those girls who only wants to hang out with her boyfriend twenty-four seven." She told me. I rolled my eyes playfully, before letting out a small laugh.

My laugh quickly turned into a gasp as I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I glanced down at the pair of arms, and noticed who the arms belonged to. "Hey Liam." I said, not looking over my shoulder. "How did you know?" He asked, unwrapping his arms from around my waist. "I could tell from your black jacket." I told him, referring to the black jacket covering his arms. As I spoke, Liam walked to the other side of me. "Speaking of boyfriends." Kenzie said, smiling a little. "I'm going to go look for some other friends to ask how their summers were." Kenzie told me.

One of the things I loved most about Kenzie was how kind hearted she was. It seemed like she was constantly smiling, like she was constantly asking how people were. "Okay. I'll see you later." I told her, smiling back. "Bye." Kenzie said, before turning around and walking down the hall. I glanced back at her, watching her walk away. I turned back forward when Liam's hand reached for mine, almost in a shy manor. Liam was the type of guy who was shy to try to do anything. Whether it was holding hands or kissing, he was always nervous that I would reject it. However, I held his hand back, letting him know I had accepted his hand.

"Do you want me to walk you to your first period?" Liam asked me. I shook my head, looking up at him. "No. I think I'll be okay." I told him. Liam stopped walking, looking down at me. His smile instantly faded, and his blue eyes looked everywhere but at me. "Oh. Okay. I guess I can just see you-" "Liam." I said, cutting him off. Liam's eyes returned to mine, and I could tell that he had become a little nervous. "I'm kidding. I would love for you to walk me to class." I told him, smiling. Liam's smile reappeared, and he began walking again.

I smiled a little as I looked at him, before I looked away from him. This year was going to be perfect. Not only had I felt stronger with what I was and my abilities. I also had made some great new friends who I could share this years adventures with. I also had Liam by my side, not only as my best friend, but my boyfriend as well. I could tell that this year was bound to be a great one.


After class, I had agreed to meet Liam at his locker before the next period. When I got towards his locker, I noticed someone standing at the locker next to his. I slowed down a little, trying to see who it was. I saw that Liam was talking to a girl, about our age, with curled brown hair. That was all that I could tell from where I stood. I wasn't upset that Liam was talking to another girl. I trusted him enough to know that he wouldn't cheat on me or do anything of that sort. However, that didn't mean I wasn't curious. Once the girl walked away, I saw Liam put his jacket up against the locker, and fall onto it. I sighed a little, walking towards him. I didn't like seeing him upset, even if it was just a little bit.

When I reached him, I stood beside him. "Liam?" I asked him, softly. Liam continued to have his head leaned against the locker, but turned his head to look at me. "Hey babe." He said, standing up straight. "You okay?" I asked him, hoping that he would include who the girl was in his answer. "Yeah. Fine." He told me, with a small smile. It was both the answer that I wanted, as well as the answer that I didn't. I was glad he was okay, but I had hoped that he would tell me who the girl was. "I'm not upset or anything. Not at all. I'm just curious. Who was that girl you were talking to?" I asked him.

Liam let out a sigh at my question, and looked at me. "Hayden Ramero. She's this girl who I pissed off in middle school. She still hates me for what I did." He told me. I wanted to know what he had done that had made her pissed for almost five years now. However, I didn't want to push the topic any further at the moment. I nodded a little, before replying. "Okay. Just curious." I told him. "Don't worry. I don't like her like I like you. There's no one else I feel the way that I do about you besides you. I love you." He told me, reassuring me that he wasn't even thinking about leaving me for Hayden. The corners of my lips turned up into a smile at his comment, before I nodded. "I wasn't worried. I trust you Liam. I love you too." I told him.

Liam smiled wider, and nodded at my comment. I knew that Liam wouldn't cheat with Hayden, or with anyone else for that matter. I trusted Liam, and loved him. That was the most important thing. "Shall we?" Liam asked, holding out his hand. I smiled, taking it gently. We began to walk down the hall, the smile not leaving my lips. Everything felt perfect.


"You know, it seems kind of weird that, for the past few months, we haven't had anything to worry about. Supernatural wise at least." Liam said, through the phone. It was about ten-thirty at night, and Liam and I had been talking on the phone for about a half hour now. The time flew by when I was talking to him. "I know. It seems too good to be true, or even last." I told him, looking up at the ceiling as I replied. "I hope it will. The extra attention that I don't have to spend on those kinds of things get spent focusing on us." Liam said, and I could hear the smile on his lips. I smiled wider, before pulling the phone away to look at the time I saw that it was now ten thirty-five. I put the phone back into my ear, speaking. "I have to go. I still have to get ready for bed." I told him. "Okay. I love you." He told me. The smile on my lips grew wider, and I nodded a little. "Love you too." I told him, before pulling the phone away, and pressing the end call button. What Liam had said about not having much to worry about made me think. I knew that it was too good to be true, and sooner or later, something bad was bound to happen.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2015 ⏰

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