welcome to Beach city

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We defense Life God Dezumozorlya so I we about go home but a portal should up in front of us Stuck us in we stand to others world. We fall on the ground on the sand and we get up. F/n: ah, were are we? Jake: I don't know. Emma: it look we are in Beach. Eri and April seee a baby turtles. Eri/April: papa look a turtles  here an stuck on the back. We look it an ran to help it. See a lot build. But we seee a monster attack building. Y/n: eri and April stay here and let go help people eri and April: ok . Abara team: let go. Shun Jake lucke y/n f/n: Shinken charge. We Morph and run to the monster. Old man: ah who are you. Tooya: I'm Nighlok weak. He about hit he.
Samurai: Tooya. Tooya: samurai ranger Moogers attack. all monger
Rush at us. We attack moonger I dwon 30 Emma takes dwon 20 my sister attack 30 lucke attack 21 Jake takes dwon 25 but more Moogers come out and 50 moonger sent fly on rock an see 5 girl help us. Tooya: no I kill you. He run to girl. Y/n: fire samsher. I After he and sent him fly. Y/n: Cannon mode. So my team put disc in. Y/n: five disc Beetle Cannon fire. I fire it an it kill him and exlpsoin and my daughterrun to us. ???: thank you guy and who are you. F/n: I'm f/n y/n sister and abara cyan and Shinken pink. Lucke: I'm lucke abara and Shinken blue.  Jake: I'm Jake abara black and Shinken green. Emma: I'm Emma abara and Shinken yellow. Shun: I'm shun abarared and Shinken gloden. /n: I'm y/n abra withe fan Shinken red and this is mydaughter eri and April and this my pet fox her name is sky ( I smlie). They blushed. Pearl: I'm Pearl. Amethyst: Garnet: I'm Garnet. Nora: nora universe. Greoi: Greoia universe. Gem: we are cryst ya gem. Y/n/team: hi. Nora:  you are guy new to Beach city. Y/n: yes and we are different universe. They was stock Garnet: I'm universe how? I expanded. Pearl: hm insert about you live with us. Y/n: are sure. Garnet: it fine come. So we follow thim an we make to there house. Amethyst: this is our house. We walk in slide. Pearl: oh Greg. She greg what happens. Greg: I'm Greg nora and Greoia father. So we hang out them and go to sleep.

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