Journey to the Bottom of the Crash Pit

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The park gang is having a meeting. "Alright, listen up. We've gotten some complaints about the huge sinkhole in the park," Benson said. "Sinkhole? You mean the Crash Pit?" Mordecai asked. "You're talking smack about the Crash Pit, bro?" Muscle Man asked. "Yes. It's a potential liability, and we're not properly insured for it. It has to be filled immediately," Benson said. "Aw, what?" Mordecai and Muscle Man asked. "Aw, no way!" Rigby said. "Come on, Benson, you can't fill up the Crash Pit," Muscle Man said. "Can't we just put up more warning signs or something?" Rigby asked. "No! A thing called a 'Crash Pit' shouldn't even be at the park in the first place," Benson said.

"What if we call it a 'small hole'?" Rigby asked. "JUST FILL IT UP BY THE END OF THE DAY OR YOU'RE FIRED!!!!!" Benson shouted. The guys are holding two shovels and looking down at the Crash Pit sadly. "Man, I'm sure gonna miss this old Crash Pit," Mordecai said. "Yeah, bro, we had a lot of good times here." In a flashback, two cars got hit and explode, Mordecai drives a bus with Rigby, Muscle Man, and Hi-Five Ghost, the guys bailed out of the bus, the bus goes down to the Crash Pit and explodes and people cheering, and the guys are shaking all of the sodas and put them into an old car, the car goes down the Crash Pit, exploding, soda drops started to come out, and the guys are tasting the soda drops.

Back in the present:

"Hmm, good times," Mordecai said. "You thinking what I'm thinking?" Muscle Man asked. "One last crash?" Rigby asked. "One last crash in the Crash Pit!" Mordecai said. "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Muscle Man presents a busted-up car to his friends. He also shows expired fireworks. Muscle Man has a camera with a protective case in hand. "Ahh. Old Toluca. This baby got me around all through high school. I've been saving her for a moment like this.

"You got the camera, Fives?" Muscle Man asked. "Yeah. I rented it from the park A/V with this protective cage, too," Fives said. "Nice. Gotta play it safe. Now to throw these expired fireworks into the trunk," he puts the fireworks in Old Toluca's trunk. "Gotta send this puppy off with a bang!" The four guys get in Old Toluca with the camera, and Muscle Man starts the stunt making road donuts. "Savage! Savage! Savage! Whoo Whoo Whoo!" Now they're driving straight to the Crash Pit. "Dude, roll the camera! Roll the camera!" Mordecai said. Rigby powers on the camera. "It's rolling! It's rolling!" Mordecai takes the camera and points it to himself. "Ok, let me see, let me see. This is Mordo coming to you live for one last crash in the Crash Pit," he points the camera to Fives and Muscle Man.

"Any final thoughts, Muscle Man?" He asked. "Savage! Savage! Savage!" Mordecai points the camera to Rigby. "Uh, I think we're getting too close, guys." Mordecai points it toward the Crash Pit. "Don't bail on us now, dude. This is history in the making," Mordecai said. "No, seriously! I think we should get out now!" Rigby shouted. "Dude, don't bail! Don't bail!" Mordecai said. "DAAWHAHAAHAHAAAAAHH!!!!!" Rigby rolls out first. Muscle Man, Fives, and Mordecai laugh. "All right, let's go, let's go!" Fives flies out of the car, Muscle Man and Mordecai roll out. The car heads straight to the Crash Pit. The car explodes with smoke and firework sparks coming out of the hole. "Whoo-hoo!!!!!" The group shouted. "Best last Crash Pit ever!" Muscle Man high fives Hi-Five Ghost. "And we got it on tape!" Mordecai said. "Yea-yea-yea-yea!" Mordecai and Rigby said. "Wait, where's the camera?" One firework spark comes out of the hole. "Oh, no bro!" Muscle Man said. "Oh man, we've just destroyed the park camera!" Mordecai said. "Benson's gonna kill us!" Rigby shouted. "Whoa, whoa, it's OK, guys, that protective cage probably kept the camera safe," Fives said. "Well, I'm not going down into some pit to get a cruddy rental camera back, that's crazy!" Rigby said.

"Dude, chill, we can probably just replace it. How much can an old camera cost anyway?" Mordecai asked. Later, the group is asking Thomas and Y/N, who are working at a device storage. "Let's see, it's 5000 dollars," Thomas said. "Aw, man." Mordecai, Muscle Man, and Hi-Five Ghost said. "What?!" Rigby asked. "How can it be so much?" Mordecai asked. "It's the Vidmax Ultra-Res 30500, you can't get that clarity on VHS anymore, it's a collector's item," Y/N said. "We can't afford that!" Rigby said. "Why, did something happen to it?" Thomas asked. "No," Muscle Man said.

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