Too Much?

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I love her, before
She was exquisite
She makes me smile
She was kind, humble most of the time
She was smart
She was everything that I had asked for
She was a lovely lady before,
She was a wall and a territorial before,
She was nice and funny,
She was like an other half of me,
She was the woman that I want to spend for the rest of my life
But things suddenly change,
Maybe, because I just loved her so much
Maybe, I gave her everything I have
Maybe, I was dumb for telling I am all hers
Maybe, I am something but a nothing
Maybe, I asked too much
Maybe, I made her grow and developed
Maybe, I made her fragile for being too confident
Maybe, I was just blind by her appearance
Maybe, I'm just in love to myself afterall
Maybe, I was too fast to that
Now all I can say is that I hate her

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