Chapter 7.3: Is this end of the book?

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Inside the operating room,

Namjoon, Taehyung, and Jungkook were brothers of Y/n, but inside the operating room, they were just doctors who wanted to save the life of their patient

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Namjoon, Taehyung, and Jungkook were brothers of Y/n, but inside the operating room, they were just doctors who wanted to save the life of their patient. They couldn't bring their personal lives here; it's the first rule of this profession. They tried hard to compose themselves before starting. This duality, to separate their personal and professional lives, was something many people admired about them.

Y/n's condition was critical, her blood pressure dropping dangerously low. Taehyung and Jungkook worked frantically, their movements precise but urgent as they tried to control the bleeding.

Namjoon: (to the team) "We need to find the source of the bleeding. Get the hemostatic agents ready."

Taehyung: (to the nurses) "We need to prepare for a blood transfusion. Get O-negative blood ready."

The team worked swiftly, but Y/n's condition continued to deteriorate. Her heartbeat was weak, and her breathing was shallow. The machines beeped frantically, indicating her unstable vitals.

Jungkook: (To Taehyung) "She is losing lots of blood. We need to act fast."

Jungkook nodded, every second passing by was important. Nurse brought a O-negative blood for transfusion.

Namjoon: (checking Y/n's vitals) "Her blood pressure is critically low. We need to stabilize her before we can safely administer anesthesia."

Taehyung: (to the team) "We have to increasing her blood pressure first. Get more fluids and start a pressor."

Jungkook: (preparing for the blood transfusion) "I am ready with blood as soon as her pressure stabilizes."

Everyone worked quickly and efficiently, administering medications and fluids to stabilize Y/n's condition. After several tense minutes, her blood pressure begins to rise slowly.

Taehyung: (checking Y/n's response) "Her vitals are improving. Let's prepare for anesthesia."

The anesthesiologist begins to prepare the anesthesia while her brothers continue to monitor Y/n's condition closely.

Namjoon: (to the anesthesiologists) "Please Administer the anesthesia slowly and carefully. Her body has been through a lot."

The anesthesiologist nodded, and the room fell silent as the anesthesia was administered. Y/n's breathing became more regular as she slipped into unconsciousness, and soon, the surgery began.

 Y/n's breathing became more regular as she slipped into unconsciousness, and soon, the surgery began

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