From his eyes (Chapter 16)

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Chapter 16


I'm not used to the nip in the air, but I guess I have to. This is my new forever. His words linger in my mind, and I still don't know what they mean. 'Forever from my eyes', what does that mean??? One other thing I can't get out of my mind are those eyes. They look like something straight from heaven. The way he looked at me... the slight sparkle in his eyes. The loose strands of hair that fall over his pale face. He is tall too. VERY tall, like the BFG. He's a big, friendly giant.

His smile is crooked's the smile that makes you want to smile back.

Last night I slept with his big jumper. It covered me like a blanket and this morning... I woke up to the fresh smell of oranges. Weird. I went to take a cold shower early this morning and like always... the 'rain' or should I say the feeling of rain, calmed me. Now I'm sitting in my room and Willow is lying on top of my face. Her little cold paws lie perfectly on my nose while her tail swishes my hair into one big knot. Great. Loud giggles slip through my mouth, and I bring her to my chest. She snuggles her way under the big, poofy duvet, and a little pump forms. I sigh in awe and slowly make my way around her. Walking across the room, a breeze travels through the air and rustles the plants. Something in me wants to paint. I'm still weak but I want to try. Later today I have my first doctor's appointment and I have a feeling it won't be good news. So, make the best out of now, right?

 I walk to the corner of my room where my easel is. I trace my fingers over the infinity sign I drew on it a few years back. If only I knew then what I know now. The sun's beams lay over the used wood. Brush in hand, I painted everything I've felt over the past few weeks. Shades of blues and blacks. Swarms of red and white. It spoke the language my life spoke right now. Even if it was dark. Looking back at my art... something I couldn't read washed over me. Relief maybe? Who knows? I walk over to my messy desk and turn the radio on. Lovers Rock by TV Girl starts to play through the speaker. It's one of my favourite songs. My mum had come into my room this morning and told me I would be starting school next week. At least I had a week. A week to settle in and get to know the place. My wrist feels sore and swollen... all from holding a paintbrush. It hurts to think about. 

From His EyesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ