Pity is for the Weak

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Confusing thoughts plague your mind as you pull into your driveway. He knows you. Or at the very least knows of you. The street lights merged into a hazy glow, mirroring the foggy state of your mind as you struggle to make sense of it all. Was he a customer? Is it possible you met once and forgot? But even that makes little sense, you just started working barely a month ago. You know most of the regulars... you're positive you've never met him before tonight. Was he just pulling your leg afterall?

"wait, you're telling me you don't know? Oh, I'm definitely gonna have fun with this,"


After shutting off the ignition, you briefly look at the white 2-story next door.

Looks like Dracula left his crypt today...

There were three big trash cans on his sidewalk, overflowing with empty boxes, beer cans, and liquor bottles that definitely weren't there before you left, he must've put them out himself— bummer they were all flipped over. You shut your car door with a sullen expression as the words, " Bitch. Bitch. Bitch. " written in cheap red lipstick all over the hood and windshield of your neighbor's car, along with very explicit doodles of a cock being castrated greet your line of sight.

Great, another altercation- big one by the looks of it- even his house wasn't spared the wrath this time.

Ugh ...

Does he have no decency? No common sense? Why bring people like this into his space?

Perhaps your reaction should've been more... aghast...? It's truly remarkable how a person's behavior can generate such extreme apathy once it's been established as the norm. What truly horrifies you is not the acts of vandalism, destruction, or littering but how long it took for you to even react at all . Sure, you admit that working at a club numbed you and the bum with the gambling addiction trying to rizz you at 7/11 lot soured your reaction speed a bit. But this happens all the time, should you react each time it does?

With a resolved sigh you place a hand under your chin. You can't wait any longer, you need to introduce yourself before the next blow-up occurs. Sure, he was a hot mess, and just like the Zenin drama you'd rather stand clear, but he's still your neighbor, so you should treat him with this basic courtesy.

But how to do it? Should you just waltz over and knock? Maybe bring some food as a gift? Offering food is always considerate and it seems like he has a big appetite. Gotta remember peace is the game. The best result you can aim for is to coexist peacefully with him and occasionally offer assistance—-Oh!

A brilliant idea struck your mind, causing you to snap your fingers.

... it's not a bad way to do it actually... you muse looking over the property.

But before you could put your plan into fruition, your attention was abruptly caught by the loud slamming of the front door across the street. Squinting in the darkness, you feel a surge of adrenaline running through your spine as a male donned in a heavy white winter coat, black jeans and black boots exits the property.

Is that him?!

His breath billowed from the cold as white mist as he walked down the steps to the front of his driver-side door parked by the curb. It was the first male you witnessed leaving the residence but your neighbor doesn't drive a car and this person was far too young to be retired.


Realization dawned once he reached the car door of his yulon. "Hi, Yuta!" you call quickly, before he entered, waving your hand high and fast.

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