The Chaos Begins: The Bus

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Another peaceful day in Babymonster's dorm...

Or is it really peaceful?








All the members are running around searching for whatever they want to pack. Stuff is scattered everywhere, which makes it even messier.

The clothes are lying all over the ground while they search for outfits to take with them. Even though their luggage is already as good as full, they continue collecting.

Ruka, who was trying to help everyone with their items, planted herself on the ground next to the door. She told the girls to pack their items a day before they left. They said they would, but looking at the mess, they didn't.

"Hey Ruka, unnie! Away from the door and help us!" Pharita shouted from the door of her room. Ruka's mouth opened to protest, but Pharita had already left.

"To hell with this." She mumbled to herself as she stood up and went over to Pharita. Unlike the others, hers and Pharita's room were a lot less messy.

"Unnie, I think I have everything. How far are the others?" She asked as she looked up at me while closing her suitcase. Thinking back about what I saw earlier in the other rooms, I bit my lip.

"They're.. Well. Worse than ours." Ruka slightly laughed. Pharita grinned at her answer. Pharita stood up and rolled her suitcase to the door.

"Let's go help the others, shall we?" She suggested to Ruka, who nodded. Ruka gathered the members in the living room and asked them to open their luggage.

"Alright, so we need to be quick. In 10 minutes, we need to be there. Asa, you got everything?" Ruka asked, to which Asa nodded.





"Then we got everything. Let's go quickly now!" Ruka declared and stood up and rushed to the door, followed by everyone else. "How much time do we have left?" Asked Ahyeon. "One and a half minutes! Quick!" Ruka answered while running towards the elevator.

Luckily, the elavator didn't take long until it arrived, but Babymonster's dorm is located all the way on the top of the apartment building.

"Gosh, why do you girls have to be so last minute with packing?" Ruka groaned as she pressed the first floor button. "We're supposed to be there at 8:15, it's 8:17 already!" Ruka explained while leaning on her luggage. "Sorry, unnie." Chiquita said with guilt. "It's okay, just please, start earlier next time."

After nearly a minute, the elavator dingend, indicating they have reached the first floor. The members of Babymonster took off and ran towards the back exit, where, according to Ruka, is the bus waiting for them.

Ruka was right, and the bus was waiting for them, along with a camera crew already filming them. They wondered if there were any secret cameras placed in their dorm that filmed their chaos from a while ago without their knowledge.

"Why are you girls late? It's already 8:24." Their manager said with an unsatisfied expression. "We're sorry, manager, unnie. We had some problems regarding packing. It won't happen again." Pharita assured their manager.

"I hope so... Anyways, the cameras are already rolling! We're behind schedule, so let's enter quickly. The managers are placed on a different bus. You girls are going to sit in the back, the front is occupied by a few camera men." She said and walked towards her bus after we nodded.

"Woah! Unnie, this bus is so big, and oh my god! It has our logo on the ideal! This is incredible!" Chiquita exclaimed as she rushed towards the bus to take a closer look, forgetting her luggage. "Really, I can't with this kid." Ruka said.

"The sole reason as to why you can't with Chiquita is because she's 7 years younger but still taller than you." Haram said and took Chiquita's luggage together with her own towards the bag's hole at the side of the bus, leaving Ruka flabbergasted and the rest of the members giggling.

"You know you can't deny it!" Ahyeon teased Ruka and dragged her with her towards the bag's compartment. The storage was gigantic and didn't even come close to lacking even a tiny bit of space for the 7 girls' luggage.

However, the inside of the bus was another story. The interior was a light colored and the windows were tinted, giving them the privacy they needed when travelling. The chairs all had so much space and even included their own wall outlets. It was so much better than the bus they usually used to drive to their schedule.

"I claimed the back window seat!" Chiquita yelled as she was already seated a long time ago before the members were even done bewondering the giant compartment in the bag. "I want the other window seat!" Rora yelled while Ahyeon and Haram chased her.

"I don't want to sit next to Rora, I'm sitting next to Canny!" Ahyeon exclaimed as she pushed Haram off the seat and onto the one next to Rora, who in return gave the both of them a disgusted look. "Well, I wouldn't want to sit next to you either." Rora puffed.

"Children." Ruka said as she rolled her eyes and sat in front of Chiquita and Ahyeon. "Who's gonna sit next to Ruka? Someone's going to be alone." Pharita asked. "Who says you have to sit next to Ruka? Come on, let's sit in front of Haram and Rora." Asa said and dragged Pharita with her. Ruka only gave off a happy smile.

Silence engraved them for a while until the voice of the driver awoke them from through the mic. "Welcome Babymonster to the Baemon Fieldtrip Bus! We're going to have a long drive till we get to our destination, so make yourself comfy and enjoy the various number of views this trip has to offer!" The driver explained, and the girls responded with a loud cheer.

The bus started driving, and the Babymonster members became even more excited. "Wow, isn't this our first trip?" Haram asked. "Wait, you're right! It's our first time." Asa said while shaking Pharita furiously. "Leave that poor thing alone, Asa..." Ruka said with compassionate eyes towars the two.

"Okay, aside from that, we don't even know where we are going. Why don't we put on some music?" Chiquita suggested to which the members agreed quickly. Chiquita put on a song, and it was none other than their debut song, 'Sheesh'. The whole bus was filled with singing and good vibes.

When Ruka, Asa, and Ahyeon's rap part came on, all the members sang along loudly, not caring about how it sounded. They were having fun, and nothing could stop them. The rest of the song was partly sang beautifully, yet screamed.

Babymonster Roadtrip: The Chaos BeginsWhere stories live. Discover now