A night to remember.

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As Andrea pushed through the door me and Cayleigh gave each other a look knowing we were getting ourselves into something we weren't sure we wanted back. As I walk in behind Andrea I smell the familiar sent of beer, whiskey and a charcoal lit fire. The fire was the only source of light and as soon as we walked through that door I felt all eyes drift to us. Which was expected but still made a shiver crawl done my spine. I knew better than to show fear in front of them so I was the first to walk over. But before I could walk too far I pulled the girls into a huddle and spoke "Ok no matter what we all stick together." Cayleigh piped in "Agreed." And Andrea then pushed her pinky towards us. We all hooked our fingers together then turned back to the boys.  "Took you all long enough" I heard from beneath Tyson's breath. 

The boys were all sitting around the fire in lawn chairs and a cooler "There's no where for us to sit." Cayleigh looked around and now so did me and Andrea noticing there was in fact no seats left. "There are plenty of laps to sit on." Tyson said gesturing to the rest of the boys. Easton was sitting across from where we were he was in his usual black long sleeve that hugged his chest. He was revolting. Jack was sitting to his left puffing on at least three cigars at once. Conrad was sitting to the far right of Tyson looking at something on his phone. The boys erupted into laughter and me and the girls just sat in disgust. "Gross." I said with complete annoyance. This was gonna be a long night.

"Okay seriously where are we going to sit." Easton immediately piped in "You were already told." God. They acted as if they owned us. Tyson left from his seat telling the group he had to "take a piss" and walked out the garage door and into the woods. "HURRY TAKE HIS SEAT." Easton rushed us moving his hands frantically I sat to the left of the chair and scoot as far as possible so me and Andrea could both fit in the chair made for one. Which was quite simple. Conrad noticed Cayleigh was the only one left standing. He immediately got up from his seat and set it by me and Andrea signaling for Cayleigh to sit in his spot. Me and Andrea took another look at each other a small laugh leaving our lips. Conrad then sat on a bucket he pulled from behind a tractor and sat down. Cay was a lucky girl. Conrad was wearing a black hoodie, jeans, boots, and a hat the covered the majority of his face which was quite handsome from beneath. Andrea attempted to hook up the speaker but failed several time. Then Easton tried but again had no success. After a few missed attempts Conrad decided to pull out his guitar starting to strum to his own beat. All of us girls looked at him with amazement. Andrea pulled out her phone to take a video of the wholesome moment. "This is honestly so sweet." she said as we all leaned with our elbows to our knees watching Conrad play his guitar.

Tyson came back in the garage and I decided to reply to his comment from earlier. "I did tell you that we would be here from twelve to twelve thirty. I was busy. And your little group is no longer my main focus." I said it in a joking way but I knew this comment would start another war. "First of all that's not happening." he motioned to his seat and I rolled me eyes ready to counter act his statement when Andrea already went to speak. "Actually It already happened." She looked up at him with the eyes she knew would attract any man she wanted. "You know Andrea there's another seat right across the fire. Go ahead and sit on Easton's lap." the boys laughed and i'm not gonna lie, I definitely laughed along with them. But so did Cay. "HEYYYY" Andrea basically screamed. She has been trying to avoid Easton all night. "And where is the rest of your "crew" tonight." Tyson said with a laugh, it was a jab he took to aggravate me. Just as I was about to answer. Easton butt his way into the conversation like always. "Yeah where's are 200 pound town and her minion?" there it was. We all knew Tessa was a big girl when we were still friends but after the friend group blew up we voiced it because she hurt us all so badly. Deep down I knew it was wrong but what she did was so much worse. Cayleigh entered the conversation almost immediately. "Actually I was the minion remember? Apparently i'm the one who follows Cali around."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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