Chapter 3

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Nine months had passed, and my mom gave birth to a boy; she sent me a picture of the baby since I was in the middle of practice and they didn't want to bother me while I was practicing for the nutcracker rehearsal, my sister was excited for my role as the sugur plum fairy. "your going to be very pretty in your costume." she told me, as i mentally prepared myself to dance in front of possibly thousands of people. "jean's little brother joined the dance school too." samantha said. "can young children start off there?" she asked. "yes. if they live in the area." i told her. "why? are you interested in being a ballerina?" i smiled, she shook her head, "no i just think it's pretty to see them dance." i nodded, "it is, but it's a lot of work as well, i and a lot of others, make it look easy because we've had years of training."

There was a knock on my door, and one of my dance mates, a male entered, i introduced him to my little sister. "Pierre wants you in costume." he said. i nodded. and went back in the changing room. my little sister waved bye and left. my baby brother was about a few weeks old, but he seemed interested in the music, my mom pointed me out as i entered the stage. and my dad always recorded me, but not tonight, because last time, he was caught with the iPhone, and he was politely asked to stop recording and he would be given a copy of the film. so since then that's what happened. my baby brother, jaq, cooed excitedly, as i did all kinds of moves with my dance partner, gaston.

My parents applauded me as I left the stage with Gaston, I was unaware that my biological parents were there as well, but after the show, they came to me and said, "we are very proud of you." I thanked them and I introduced them to the family that adopted me. "This is the family that adopted me." I said, gesturing to Mr. And Mrs. St Claire.  As Pierre watches the conversation with interest from the distance, he finds himself noticing that his son Gaston, looking at me with an expression of jealousy as Jean embraces me.  "You'll find love someday." He told his son.  "I already have." He said, "but she's in love with someone else."  Gaston sighed as he watched me leave with Jean. 

The next day at high school, Gaston got into a fight with my boyfriend. It was so painfully pathetic that I dumped Jean on the spot. "I'm not sure if I can or should be going out with someone who thinks that I am a valuable item rather than a human being." I told Jean. I then told Gaston, "you should not fight over my affection like an immature little child . If you want my affection you should not go that route." They both looked away from each other awkwardly as I walked out of the cafeteria and went to the gym to play music and dance.

I walked into the gym and played a classical piano song on my iPhone; as I danced to the music, a high school boy playing with his friends watched me with interest. He was olive-skinned with brown eyes.  He had talked to me before I got involved with Jean, but now he and I have broken up.  I texted my mom about what happened, and she understood why I had broken up with him.  "He sounds immature."  My mom texted me.  I gave her a thumbs-up emoji.

"I was stupid enough to fall for him."  I texted her. She texted back with, "you're not stupid, you're very smart." I nodded and texted, "Thanks." I then put my dance bag on and left the school. It was almost over anyway. I met up with another dance mate of mine, Beau, who had a crush on me and I admitted to having a crush on him while dating Jean, and I explained what happened. "Jean sounds like a very immature guy." He said. I nodded in agreement, and we walked home together, since we lived next door it wasn't too difficult. "It's a shame that we didn't grow up together." Beau smiled, "I would have loved to see you before you moved and your progress in ballet." He smiled softly. "But I'm here now, and I'm glad I could come back to my birthplace." I grinned as I walked to the house's front gate, where my little sister was playing. "That's my little sister, Samantha, and my little brother, Jaq." I pointed out to each of my siblings. Beau nodded and waved at them. Then he walked to his parent's house. "Is he your boyfriend?" Samantha asked. "No." I blushed. "Just a good friend." My mother was more sensitive than my sister and said, "Be careful, sweetheart. There's more than one type of pain in this world." I nodded. In truth, I didn't feel bad about breaking up with Jean because he was immature, But his little brother was kind.

Arabella St. ClaireWhere stories live. Discover now