Chapter 01: Loren & Dylan

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Loren Chapter 01: Loren & Dylan

The more you love someone, the harder you can let go of them...

One morning in October 2022, Loren was walking to her class and saw Dylan across the hall. He was the kind of guy that everyone fell in love with; His fawn hair and hazel eyes were easy to remember. Loren, who didn't really like her green eyes, got lost in his, So much so that she didn't realize how small her distance was from him and bumped into him hard and fell. Dylan took her hand and apologized to her... The rest of the story is already known; After one or two dates, they came to the conclusion that they should be together. But this was the beginning...

They finished their university courses and decided to live in a small apartment in New York which Dylan's father was paying for,and everything started...

Lorena Marianne Cartier is a young girl with platinum blond hair and a very pale skin tone. She has a really high IQ and a height of 1.72 feet. She had a completely normal childhood and still wants to continue it as normal as possible; Of course, this desire is not that possible for someone whose job is to investigate crimes, but we will continue anyway...Loren has a special appearance that can be easily recognized in the crowd: she is very pale, She always wears black clothes, which are completed by a red lipstick and her straight blonde hair. You can hardly tell how old she is. Dylan, Loren's dreamy boyfriend, always said she looked younger than her age. Dylans wasn't really that kind of guy who supports their partner no matter what; but somehow, they had made it work for a while...
According to many people, many differences between two people can distance them after a short time or more. Loren was busy filling out job applications all day and believe me, this situation doesn't really let you have energy left to go through the day. And about Dylan... Well, Dylan didn't have any special job either. Do you remember I said they met for the first time in the halls of the university building? Dylan studied graphic designing at Greenfield University in New York. But he never learned to have a stable job. Every day he thought of a new idea and in his own words, he wanted to create a new industry in the world; This new industry was sometimes making dairy commercials, sometimes 2D animations for adults, and sometimes he went to private educational classes which had a destructive effect on him. Dylan wasn't at home for many hours and when he arrived and saw that Loren was still out, he would get upset. Sometimes even accused her of cheating. After a while, Dylan's sensitivity to Loren had increased; And this was damaging Loren's mental state and her life too.

All those times being apart had been slowly destroying their life, but this final shot was the end of everything...everything.

It's a summer morning and like any other day, Loren startes her morning with a cup of coffee. After an hour, Dylan's noise gets louder from upstairs, just like a bear that has woken up from a long winter sleep, He comes down the stairs. Loren says good morning without looking at him and starts checking her emails. Dylan takes out a piece of frozen pizza from the bottom of the fridge and eats it while standing, talking about his ambitious goals as always:

"So I told them that if you are not going to kick me out with such an artistic personality, you will definitely regret it!..."


"Then I stepped out of their office with firm steps..."

"Oh okay"

"And all of a sudden, I closed the doors of that damn company with a bang!..."

"You're right!"

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