God Makes No Mistakes

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Second know that God makes no mistakes. Do you really think that the tiny capillaries that attach to let oxygen travel through your body, and the 3 pounds of brain matter in your head that define your whole life and makes your important decisions, and the heart pumping constantly in your chest, and the strong bones, flexible joints, the amazing eyes and era that allow you to witness this works are a coincidence? That we just happened to be in exactly the right spot in the universe that human life is sustainable? That something this beautiful could just happen? Every moment in this world is a beautiful blessings although it may not seem like it. Every single aspect of your body is a miracle, and every inch of your skin is precious and beautiful and more lovely than you could ever imagine because looking at one thing over a prolonged period of time can trick your eyes into thinking that they see things (like you're "flaws" that don't exist) are there when they really aren't. Here's something to take into consideration, from Taylor Swift "If you think about human nature, our favorite pair of shoes are the ones we bought yesterday, our favorite thing is the newest thing that we have...and the thing we've seen the most and for the longest period of time is our reflection in the mirror, so obviously that's going to be our least favorite thing." Also know that the things you spend hours of your life trying to cover up, the tiny zits, dark circles, everything you hate about yourself, nobody else cares about and that is one advantage of living in a world of selfish beings.

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