17 3 1

                                            Strange ||  strānj  ||  adjective

                      1. something unusual or surprising in a way that is 

                                           unsettling or hard to understand

                          2. not previously visited, seen, or encountered; 

                                                       unfamiliar or alien


A smile graces Sora's features as she gently pulls you to your feet. "All right then hon, go pack some essentials. We'll get you more when we get there and get you moved into your dorm," She says. You nod wordlessly as you brush past her, walking to your room to do as you were instructed.

You close your door and lean against it disconcertedly as your eyes start to well with tears, the reality of it all hitting you brutally. "What am I going to do," You ask yourself, your voice wavering as you struggle to keep the hot tears at bay. You don't want to leave but something inside of you is screaming that you should, and because of that, you agree. You sigh as you push yourself off of the door and over to your closet to find a small suitcase and start haphazardly packing the things you need.

Two outfits of everyday clothes, two pairs of pajamas, toiletries, skincare, makeup, medication, and your glasses that you occasionally wear when you don't want to put in your contacts. Yes, unfortunately, you weren't blessed with perfect eyesight and had to get glasses when you were 11, and you've hated them ever since. So when you got the chance to get contacts, you jumped at the opportunity.

You struggle to zip your suitcase closed when a light knock on your door pulls your attention away. Minjoo sheepishly pushes the door open. "Are you almost done?" Her voice is hoarse like she had been crying previously. The thought alone makes you want to cry as well. "Yeah," You say. "I'll be down in a minute... just need to make sure I have everything," You finish. Minjoo nods and smiles sadly before leaving, partially shutting the door behind her.

With another tug, the zipper finally gives and you're able to fully zip the suitcase. You stand up, pulling the extendable handle up before trailing your suitcase along behind you, being careful with it as you go down the flight of stairs.

Only Sora and your aunt are in your living room now, the two older men having left- presumably to the car they all came in. Now that you mention it, you never once heard or had seen a car pull up. Which makes you wonder, just what kind of magic thing did they do to randomly appear at your doorstep. And are you going to have to do it to get to the place you were going?

"You ready?" Sora asks. You pause and look towards Minjoo, and without warning you walk towards her and envelope her in a hug. She stiffens under your touch at first before wrapping her arms around you and holding you tighter. "I'll miss you," She whispers into your shoulder. "I'll miss you more," You reply before pulling back. "Sora, let's go before I change my mind..." You say sadly. Sora gently grasps your hand. "You might want to close your eyes hon, this is overwhelming for the first time," She explains and you follow instructions, screwing your eyes shut and tightening your grip on the handle of your suitcase.

Without warning, the ground beneath your feet is gone and a scream gets caught in your throat. Colors dance behind your eyes and you wonder how bright they have to be if you open your eyes, but you trust Sora and fight the urges to open them. Within seconds, the floor returns beneath your feet and you collapse to the ground.

You hear three separate gasps and you will yourself to open your eyes, ignoring the nausea that is starting. "Girls, meet your final roommate!" Sora says from beside you. You look around the small but very cozy-looking living room and see three girls sitting on the pillow-filled couches.

 You look around the small but very cozy-looking living room and see three girls sitting on the pillow-filled couches

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