Chapter 3: Miracle of a Egg

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If you want to know the exact year, its X775, two years before the arrival of the other Dragon Slayers.

And also, I have seen in your reviews that I made some mistakes, such as describing Erza´s hair white. Shut up and I am sorry for that, we all do mistakes, ok? You should be glad I changed that.

Please read and enjoy, cause I have a announcement to make in at the end.

Beta Read by Earth Dragon Arginite

Chapter 3: Miracle of an Egg.

Key words





Hiro Mashima is the one and only owner of Fairy Tail. I don't own a thing.

It was a day since Natsu had been introduced to the guild, with Lisanna being his guide for the guild, and already he got to know a couple of people.

He met Levy and Cana who played chess. Levy McGarden was a girl with short blue hair, a yellow sleeveless shirt with red edges and a red skirt, was known for reading very much and Cana Alberona, a girl with brown hair, a orange thin checkered dress with her hair tied, despite having a good time with her friends, felt pretty sad, which Natsu wondered why. He met then a black haired boy named Gray Fullbuster, a user of Ice Make, with a habit of stripping. The second they met they started to fight and threw insults at each other, due to their difference in magic and for being a pain in the ass. The fight was stopped when Erza told them to.

Erza Scarlet, a girl who had scarlet hair, a white dress and armor. Despite her age, was very strict and seemed to be very serious, plus despite Natsu just meeting her, he knew he wouldn't want to get her into trouble, but wanted to fight her one day after he heard from the other guildmates how strong she was.

During his tour in the guild hall, he meet a pair of men, Macao Conbolt and Wakaba Mine, who were known for being womanizers, and the painter Reedus.

As Lisanna was about to tell the next area, they stumbled into her siblings, Mirajane and Elfman. Elfman Strauss, a boy with short white hair, a white shirt, a red bowtie and a blue suit, was a very shy and was very afraid. Mirajane Strauss, a girl with long white hair tied a ponytail, a gothic suit which were a pair of long black boots, a black skirt and a black sleeveless shirt. She was known as "the Demon," due to her power and scary reputation, who was also a rival to Erza.

The next person was the Grandsons of the Guild Master, Laxus Dreyar, a teenager with blonde hair, a green shirt with black sleeves, green pants and earpones with spikes. According to rumors in the guild, he was a Lightning Dragon Slayer, but unlike Natsu, who was trained by dragon, he had a lacrima in his boy which made him able to use it. Natsu was angered by this, due to Laxus being a fake Dragon Slayer.

But after that, he then took his first job, which was a taking care of a dog, which seems pretty easily, until he ended up destroying half of the house, causing him half of the reward.

But as years went, he got to know the guild and his guildmates, got close to Elfman and Lisanna, fought with his rival Gray, watched Erza and Mira fight and trying to fight the others, with where either denied, got him beaten in one hit or made a massive fight in the guild.

Three years later, 778X...

As Natsu went on his missions, he also tried to get stronger, both to protect his friends and be able to fight Acnologia, to avenge his dad.

After a days training he then looked into the sky, saying...

"Dad, even if it takes me a thousand years, I am going to avenge you." Natsu said and then noticed something coming down, hitting him in the face.

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