Lars Winkelbauer - Digital approach to the air freight

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The air freight industry transports a huge amount of goods, making it one of the busiest industries. It plays a significant role in the global market, helping the economy thrive. Post-pandemic, the industry has seen growth and undergone changes to adapt to the times. Technologies are helping things progress rapidly. It is helping the air cargo industry adapt to consumer demands and market trends.

states that the changes that have been implemented in the industry include the use of blockchain technology. It contributes to the storage of huge amounts of data in an efficient way. Automation is allowing for the simplification of approaches. It is helping numerous processes be streamlined. These together simplify the overall management. Machine learning systems also help improve industry automation. The use of various digital resources is contributing to this change. Integrating technological development and a digital approach adds to the following advantages.

Simpler approach to collaboration

When it comes to working in collaboration, resources need to be shared, and in such cases, having digital resources at hand can prove to be quite beneficial. These simplify the process and make it accessible to all in a short time.

Improved storage

Storage of data earlier required numerous resources and was a resource-intensive process. Recently, the use of advanced technology has helped simplify this approach and cut down on various costs. It has also added to the process by which data storage can be efficiently expanded upon need.

Secure approach

In terms of data management, storage, and handling, a digital approach has made things much more secure. There are encryptions and various algorithms that prevent the data from being changed, deleted, or altered.

Improving file durability

When it comes to the physical storage of documents, data will be lost over time. There are many factors that influence the life of a physical document. This might include the overall environment and associated conditions. Digital documents, on the other hand, can remain without an influence for a long time.

Easy retrieval of information

The storage of data on a digital resource allows for easy retrieval of information. Unlike physical resources, which might require multiple copies to keep information secure, digital resources can be beneficial. On loss of data, there are various ways in which a significant amount of data can be retrieved, unlike in physical research.

Ease of access to information

The air freight industry deals with a huge amount of sensitive information on a regular basis. It can be quite complicated when seeking a particular resource if stored physically. The digital approach to storage allows for easy retrieval and viewing of an individual file. This takes much less time and effort.

Conservation of resources

The process of digital documentation can play an important role when it comes to the conservation of resources on virtual platforms. It can cut down on various costs involved and save much time.


Technology is rapidly evolving, and changes are being introduced. The aim here is sustainability as well as efficiency, with a focus on consumer satisfaction and the overall improvement of the system. workscan help you gather more information.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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