Prologue - Before

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I grew up on Parker ranch, a place that once belonged to my grandfather who inherited it from his father who inherited it from his father who built the house. My bedroom had at one point been my mother's, and that room had been her aunt's. Only the two of us lived there, but the place was never really empty. I wasn't a kid who grew up afraid of the dark, because I was taught what was out there. If I was in trouble, there was always a hunter down the hall. Mama ran the house like a bed and breakfast almost, but only for hunters. It was probably because Mama was one until she had me. My father was and always will be a hunter too. I remember when I met my father for the first time. I just thought he was another hunter. My mother I guess never told him because she was afraid of how he'd react.

"Novalie!" My mother shouted from the kitchen as I heard the front door open. That always meant we had new guests, and that meant more new friends to talk to. I didn't talk to most kids my age, they'd mainly call me names, but the hunters who'd visit never did. They were always so kind to me, and I now know as an adult it was probably because I reminded them there was still some innocence in this world. When I finally got downstairs my mother smiled at me. "Sam, Dean, this is my daughter Novalie," My mother said, gesturing to me. I waved enthusiastically, "Hi!" I smiled; the tall man looked at me then to the other man standing beside him. He just kind of stared at me. "You know it's rude to stare, mister." I crossed my arms, and he shook his head. "Sorry," he said looking at my mom then back to me. "Dean, are you okay?" Mama asked and he just nodded, "Yeah um...Gina can I talk to you for a sec?" Dean asked, walking outside Mama followed. "Grownups," I sighed before looking up at Sam. "Are you a giant?" I asked, Sam looked at me confused, "You're really, really, really! Tall!" As I said this, I stood on my tiptoes more and more to really accentuate my point. Sam chuckled, "No I'm not a giant," he smiled, "Then why are you so tall?" I tilted my head. "...Vegetables." He said, looking towards the door. I nodded, "I'm going outside." I said walking out the backdoors. 

That night the two men stayed for dinner, and even dessert. My mother brought out her homemade apple pie recipe. It once belonged to my grandmother. I never met either of my grandparents because Grandma died when Mama was a kid and Grandpa died before I was born. However, everyone who's had Mama's apple pie said it tasted just like Grandma's, so I was inclined to believe them. "Novalie slow down on that pie you're going to choke." Mama scolded, I immediately did as told. She then turned her attention back to the two men at the table. Dean had also been eating his pie the same way I had. "How long are y'all in town for?" Mama asked, looking mainly at Dean. "We're just passing through, figured we'd stop by." Dean shrugged, "Gotcha, well I can show you two to your room after I get this little one to bed." Mama looked at me, "I'm not sleepy," I said, with a mouthful of pie. "I didn't mean right now, you still have to brush your teeth." Mama chuckled, "And don't talk with food in your mouth," she scolded, before licking her thumb and using it to clean food off of my face. "Yuck!" I scrunch my nose. "Oh hush," Mama chuckled before pulling back to return to her conversation. 

I was 6 years old when I met the Winchester brothers for the first time. Little did I know at that time that the older one, Dean, was actually my father. We both found that out 3 years later when Mama died. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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