It Has Been A Long Time My Dream Girl

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Guilmon hideout)

A portal opens, and two humanoids exit. The taller of the two looks around and says, "Well, this brings back memories."

The shorter humanoid says, "Don't get too sentimental, boss. We've got work to do."

The taller humanoid responds, "You're right. Well, if Yamaki's information is correct, Rika should be having her lunch period. So let's head over."

The shorter humanoid answers, "Okay, boss."

    In unison, they say, "Dracmon Bio-merge into Grand-Hollowmon. The two humanoids fuse, becoming the mega-level Digimon Grand-Hollowmon. The mega-level Digimon is 6 feet tall with dark blue hair and pale blue skin. His upper body was covered in a small black-sleeved armor piece with cloth sleeves and a black metal torso. On his waist, he had a black shawl, a black leather belt, and black form-fitting armored pants underneath it. Once the transformation is complete, the entity says, "Well, let's go." The voice of the new entity is a combination of the voices of the two unknown humanoids.

(Shinjuku preparatory school for girls)</p>

Rika Nonaka sits in an empty room, eating her lunch. All of a sudden, she hears screaming from outside the room and has visions of her old friend Takato being ripped apart and stabbed by rampaging Digimon. She shakes her head, trying to get the images to disappear, but before she can succeed, her partner Renamon appears and states, "Rika, I sense a Digimon, and it appeared only moments before everyone started screaming."

Rika responds, "And you think this Digimon is what is causing my classmates to scream?" Renamon nods, so Rika asks, "Where is it?"

Renamon replies with "on the roof."

Rika stands up and says, "Let's go." Both Tamer and Digimon run out of the room and head toward the roof. Once they reach the roof access door, Renamon busts it open, and they run out onto the roof. Looking around, they see a 6-foot-tall digimon with a giant scythe on its back, sitting on the roof's edge, playing a flute.

The Digimon removes its lips from the flute and says, "I guess I got your attention."

    Rika pulls out her D arc, but before she can see his information, Renamon charges at the mysterious Digimon, kicking and punching it. Fortunately for the mysterious Digimon, it expected this, so they quickly pulled out their scythe and used the flat edge as a shield, blocking every punch and kick. Eventually, Renamon gets frustrated and launches a <b>Diamond Storm</b> attack, which the mysterious Digimon deflects by spinning his scythe. As this happens, Renamon realizes she might have bitten off more than she could chew. Before she can do anything, the mysterious Digimon charges at her and quickly cuts off her right arm with his scythe. Once the mysterious Digimon sees Renamon lying on the ground, missing an arm, it asks, "Are you done because a rookie-level Digimon isn't going to be able to beat me."

Now that the fighting is temporarily done and the mysterious Digimon has spoken again, Rika realizes something. She looks at the mysterious Digimon and asks, "You're a bio-merged mega, aren't you?"

The mysterious Digimon responds, "That is correct; since your D arc won't have my data, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Grand-Hollowmon, the Digimon of fear. I also apologize for injuring your partner, Miss Rika Nonaka, but I had to snap her out of her trance."

Rika looks at the now-identified Grand-Hollowmon and asks, "What do you mean snap her out of her trance?"

Grand-Hollowmon answers, "To put it simply, I am the Digimon equivalent of the god of fear, and my presence can trigger Digimon's fight or flight response. No, I'm not here to fight you. I'm here to warn you, so I will let you heal your Digimon, and then we can talk."

Rika cautiously pulls out her deck of Digimon cards, quickly finds the card full restore, and swipes it, saying, "Digi-modify full restore activate." Once she is done, Renamon glows white. Once she stops glowing, her body is fully restored to its original form.

Once all that is done, Grand-Hollowmon looks at Renamon and says, "My apologies, Renamon. I had hoped my presence would not affect you, but unfortunately, I was too optimistic. Now allow me to explain why I have come here. I have been working for the last year with Hypnos and tracking a new front to both the digital and human worlds."

Rika asks, "What is the threat?"

Grand-Hollowmon answers, "A Daboromon is gathering other Digimon who wish to destroy both the digital and real worlds. It is also attempting to evolve into Armageddonmon."

Rika's eyes widen, and she shouts "Shit, this is bad. I will have to tell the rest of the Tamers we've got to prepare for the fight."

Grand-Hollowmon raises her hand and states, "There is no need I will warn them. I just wanted to see you first."

Rika looks at the mega-level Digimon and asks,"Why do I have a feeling you know who for more reasons than you have given me?"

Grand-Hollowmon smiles and says, "It's because you've got good instincts. I know you for other reasons than the fact that I have been working for Hypnos for some time. We knew each other a lifetime ago."

Rika raises an eyebrow and says, "Oh, really, then who are you?"

Grand-Hollowmon responds, "An old friend and his new partner." With that, Grand-Hollowmon cancels his bio-merge. Once the process is done, Rika's eyes widen as she sees an older version of a boy she thought she would never see again. The boy smiles at her and says, "It's been a long time, my dream girl." </p>

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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