Chapter 5

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(Simons POV) I knew this was bad. Before I went to Phoenix my dad drank a lot and was angry. As I walked home I hoped nothing bad was going to happen. I stood in front of the door and knocked softly. My dad opened it harshly and pulled me inside. He pushed me on the floor in the living room. I fell hard on my arm making me flinch. He grabbed my arm and god that hurt. I realized why it hurt, he grabbed on my scars hardly making it sting. With his other hand he punched me in my face causing me to get a bleeding nose. "D-dad stop!" I cried out. He pushed me on the floor again and kicked me in my stomach. He did it mutable times until I started to cough blood. My vision turned blurry and i saw my dad walk to the kitchen and grab something. I knew I had to run away so i tried to stand up but it was hard. I ran out the door and tried to stop myself to cough blood. I didn't know where to go but eventually I ran to Phoenix' house. I knocked on the door and he opened with big eyes. "S-Simon!" He yelled worried as he took me inside. He closed the door behind me and I immediately hugged him. "W-who did this to you?" Phoenix asked worriedly. "M-my.." I coughed again. "d-dad.." Was the last thing I said before my vision became black and a loud ring was going through my ears. Before I knew I woke up and saw a very bright light. Where am I? I realized I was in a hospital bed. Then I remembered the things from yesterday. "Hello Mr. Blackwood. I'm doctor Oliver, how are you feeling?" He asked. "P-pretty much okay. Is Phoenix here?" I asked. "Phoenix Walton? Yeah he brought you here. He is waiting outside. Do you want me to get him?" he asked. I nodded and he went out of the room. A few minutes later Phoenix came in and ran towards me. I hugged him tightly. "I was so scared to lose you." Phoenix said. "you will never, Phoenix." I said as he let go of the hug. "We just need to run a few tests and then he will be ready to go." the doctor said. We both nodded and Phoenix waited outside. After the tests i ran towards Phoenix and hugged him again. "Come on let's go." Phoenix chuckled. He placed a soft kiss on my forehead as he let go. We went to his car and stepped inside. " Love, could you tell me what happened?" Phoenix asked a bit nervous. "S-so my dad is an a-alcoholic and because I came out as gay to both of my p-parents they hate me. They both physically a-abuse me." I sighed. "Y-yesterday he kicked me mutable t-times in the stomach." I explained the rest and Phoenix was shocked. "You're staying with me." he said. "B-but what about your paren-" He cut me off. " Love, I live on my own. My parents don't really care that I live alone." He said. "B-but your 17 right?" I asked. "No, I'm 18. I started with kindergarten a year earlier." He said. "Phoenix how could I thank you." I still couldn't believe it. "You don't have to thank me, love. I want you to be safe." Phoenix said. As we arrived at his house we went inside. "How long has this been going on for, love?" Phoenix asked. "Since I was young, I came out to my parents when I was 12 so about 5 years." I said. Phoenix hugged me again and I hugged him back tightly. I was afraid. I was afraid of something happening to Phoenix as he let me stay here. And I was afraid of Phoenix finding out about the fact I cut myself. 

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