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When a fire burns
We never know when it'll burn out
But we know it will
We know that the warmth it's giving us
Is only temporary
We want this warmth
We don't care about the fire
We just want to be warm
It doesn't matter when it burns out
Because we can always light a new one
Sometimes we walk by the fire
We blow at the fire
We don't know if it'll go out
But we don't care
It happens
The fire doesn't really matter
It's holding on for its life
Pushing against the wind
Compounds dancing around
In just the right formation
They know if they take one wrong step
They'll crumble
The fire will be gone
The fire doesn't want to leave
But sometimes the compounds get tired
And nobody is there to dance with them
Because if they do they might get burnt
So the fire has to let itself go
But luckily for us
We can always light a new one

poems I wrote when sadWhere stories live. Discover now